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How Much Do We Want a Change of Government?

Photo: 123RF Image credit RNZ

Even the most uninterested-in-politics New Zealanders must be struggling to ignore the higher cost of living, increased crime and excessive government interference in daily lives, but the question is: will we do anything about it?

Margaret Thatcher discussed the political motivation required for the public to ditch a socialist government in favour of a government that supports a free market economy.

You can learn quite a lot from experience, that’s one thing…there’s something after that – have you the will and determination to do anything about it?

…[Some people] would prefer to take the easy way, the hard way is tough, by definition, they would prefer to have it easier, anything for a quiet life, all we want is a bit of peace and quiet, others of us know we can rise to higher and better things than that and believe that’s part of our purpose in life.

So, there’s two things: one you recognise what’s happening, two, are you prepared to do anything about it?

Mrs. Thatcher was referring to the previous UK Labour Government, which she says focused on redistributing existing wealth, compared to her government that promoted free enterprise by creating a positive environment for individual wealth creation. Social welfare is the backbone of a socialist government, whereas a free market government views social welfare as a temporary measure while people get back on their feet and into employment. More employment opportunities and the creation of new wealth benefits everyone.

It’s a no-brainer: a socialist government will keep cutting the existing economic wealth pie into smaller and smaller slivers until everyone starves, but a free market government will give people the incentives they need to bake bigger and better economic wealth pies.

Thatcher would be horrified at the New Zealand of today. The number of government employees and government consultants has skyrocketed as has the number of welfare recipients who have no intention of ever working while the government dreams up new and higher taxes to support the blowout funded with borrowed money.

Labour is seemingly unperturbed by the rising number of welfare dependents clamouring for state funded housing while the Greens want a new income guarantee for every New Zealander. Both Labour and the Greens don’t mind welfare dependents having more children because they consider it the government’s job to feed, clothe, house and educate them. Hipkins likes the idea of a wealth tax to fund it but this week ruled out implementing such a tax because it would be unpopular in the upcoming election.

Our best and brightest are fleeing the country for better opportunities across the ditch and the government’s solution to that problem is to introduce bonding to keep New Zealand-trained nurses in the country in future.

The indoctrinated still wear masks to protect from a virus that morphed into a simple cold or ’flu, but how many of us have woken up to Ardern’s ineffective fear mongering diktats and ditched them?

The Labour Government certainly hasn’t. Its continued and excessive interference in our lives is ongoing. They went berserk during Covid and haven’t let up since. Ridiculous amounts of money is being spent on advertising Covid boosters, flu shots and intrusive civil defence emergency warnings blaring from mobile phones. Listen, you bureaucratic fools, you are not our mother; if you were, we would tell you to get lost.

The insidious rot of government overreach has infiltrated every government department and every public learning institution in the country. Re-branding using indecipherable Maori monikers that support the introduction of undemocratic co-governance and divisive tribalism is absolutely unacceptable. Why should we be held to ransom by an elite few who identify as Maori, but are not representative of all Maori, and by academia clapping like trained seals?

For the first time in 154 years, the University of Otago will substantially change its brand.

With the strong support of its community, following the largest stakeholder consultation the University has ever undertaken, the University Council today announced changes to take effect from May 2024.

A new te reo Maori name and tohu (symbol), created in collaboration with mana whenua, will be introduced to create a new brand.

Chancellor Stephen Higgs says the University undertook an extensive consultation process with its community – students, staff, alumni, prospective students, parents, international partners and rankings agencies.

University of Otago
The pattern is the same: bureaucrats will talk to the echo chamber of elite Maori and compliant academia but won’t ever ask the public whether this is the best use of taxpayer funding.

In answer to the question posed at the start of this article: anyone with a gutsful of government interference and financial mismanagement will vote for a change of government, but welfare beneficiaries, the Maori-identifying elite and academia, who all stand to most benefit from the current government, will continue to support it.


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