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As I wrote recently, the “Indigenous Voice” referendum has unintentionally been the making of Jacinta Price’s political career. Just a year into her first term as a federal senator, Price is already being talked about as future prime minister material. Her front-and-centre role as a co-leader of the No campaign has made Price a household name. Crowds packing town halls to hear her outline her case against the Voice are also listening to her views on everything from transgenderism to free speech.

And growing numbers are impressed by what they hear.

In direct opposition, the Yes campaign has further tarnished fellow Aboriginal Australian politician and activist Noel Pearson’s star.

Pearson rocketed to national attention in the late 90s. Pearson claimed that his Cape York Welfare Reform Trial and the Family Responsibilities Commission would be a great reset for Aboriginal communities in northern Queensland. Over a decade and some $500 million (for just 3700 people) later, the programs have collapsed, with no discernable improvement in the communities they were supposed to lift up. One-third of the 89% Aboriginal population drops out of school before Year 10. Just 31% have jobs.

Meanwhile, Pearson was racking up quite the rep as an abusive fellow. He’s alleged to have regaled politicians and even nurses as “white cunt”, “bitch”, “maggot”, and “bucket of shit”. When the Sydney Morning Herald published a story about his alleged temper, Pearson walked into the paper’s newsroom “and threatened to beat a senior editor ‘to a pulp’ and throw him off the balcony”.

Not to be outdone by his past, Pearson has proved himself to be quite the charmer as head of the Yes campaign. Describing a key speech Pearson delivered to the Canberra Press Club, Spectator Australia’s Rowan Dean writes:

Noel Pearson’s speech really really disturbed me. There was this little bit in particular which is race-baiting, is dividing the nation deliberately, and is offensive in the extreme.

What did Pearson say, exactly?

‘I say to multicultural communities in the campaign that I am involved [with] around the country. I say to them, “Listen, where do you fit into Australia? It’s a bit unclear. Are you with the mob from the UK? Are you kind of honorary settlers? Because some of you are the wrong colour. Or you don’t come from Northern Europe. You come from Africa, you come from Asia, you come from South America – you come from all over the joint. You come from China. I say to them, where do you fit in Australia?”’

In other words, you’re either with us blackfellas, or you’re just another white cunt. If you don’t kowtow to Aboriginal Big Men like Pearson, you don’t belong here.

That’s quite the Welcome to Country, Noel. But then, that’s the tacit message of the dreary WTC, isn’t it? You will never belong here, even if you’re born here: you’re only ever a permanent guest, at the sufferance of some money-grubbing creep in a possum-skin cloak.

Why isn’t the Race Discrimination Commissioner coming down on Noel Pearson – dragging him in front of the Human Rights Commission – because that was an utter disgrace.

Every one of us in Australia strives to make this the most successful multi-racial nation on Earth, and how dare you, Noel Pearson, sit there and say that somehow we – white Northern European Anglos – are ‘different’ … that you’ve got to choose between the two mobs. How dare you.

Remember when Pearson told the Garma Festival earlier this year that he was going to “love” No voters into changing their minds?

He’s dishing out tougher love than a drunken cuz giving the missus the bash.

That was the most disgusting thing I have heard, and anybody out there who is thinking of voting ‘Yes’, you are voting ‘Yes’ to racism. I have said that from day one and I will say that all the way through.

‘Yes’ means ‘Yes’ to racism. And if you can look yourself in the mirror after listening to that and then vote ‘Yes’ then good luck to you because it was disgusting.

Spectator Australia

It doesn’t seem as if many others in the Yes camp have got the memo about “love”, either. When Jacinta Price and Warren Mundine spoke to hundreds of No supporters at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre this week, a small group of noisy Yes campaigners were out, screeching “racism” again.

A group of at least 40 mostly young ‘Yes’ supporters berated rally-goes as they walked to the PCEC ahead of the main event, with slogans such as “two, four, six, eight, racist rubbish, racist hate.”

The Australian

As we see, yet again, when the left tells you their latest culture war campaign will result in “hate”, what they don’t tell you is that it’ll be them bringing it.
