Once we lived a relatively carefree life in the best country in the world. Now we are lobbying against the agenda of the globalist WHO.
It is unsurprising that a negative Evolution of Trust has transpired. The surprise is how quickly the level of trust of the political establishment declined. At the time of the dramatic event of the NZ COVID-19 health crisis, a ‘rallying round-the-flag’ or a rallying-round-Jacinda took place. Kiwis thought she was wonderful; trusted her and hung onto every word each day at 1 pm.
This patriotic rallying effect emerged when the public looked to their PM to protect them.
the sudden and substantial increase in public approval of the president [or other political leading figure] that occurs in response to certain kinds of dramatic international events involving the country.
Hetherington and Nelson, 2003.
Consequently, in periods of crisis people more readily accept various measures from political leaders, including stringent restrictions on their personal freedom. Evidence also shows that people prefer more authoritative and action – focused leadership, much more than normal times.
Hunt et al, 1999
Since World War II, life has been very good for Kiwis. It was often expressed that we live in a scenic paradise. Then everything was tipped on its head, upending our utopia. Taking time off work to go to the GP was a minor irritation of the past in comparison to what lay ahead.
A thoroughly socialist government took over running the country around the time the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic arrived. A double whammy.
It was 25 March 2020 when New Zealanders were told to go to their homes and stay home. It came as a complete shock from having a relaxed life to experiencing a Prime Minister dictating to the nth degree. Healthy people were quarantined and not allowed to work. Sick people were inhumanly isolated. They were kept apart in hospitals or nursing homes, and even if a child, spouse, or parent was very unwell or was dying, they were left alone. No family was allowed to be with them. Even if a favourite pet had to be put down, it died alone in the veterinary surgery, while the owner wept at home. Such was the inordinate level of cold-hearted control.
Prior to COVID-19, when unwell, Kiwis rang the receptionist, made a GP appointment, explained their symptoms, paid, and picked up the medication. It was a bit of a pain (excuse the pun), but all together a relatively smooth operation (excuse another pun). Doctors were good people and knew what to give to get us well.
During COVID-19 that belief changed. GPs were instructed to mislead their patients by promoting an untested gene therapy while withholding other treatments. The level of trust in the medical profession went from hero to zero.
While Kiwis were distracted with COVID-19 rules, the full-blown socialist PM, Jacinda Ardern, former president of IUSY, (International Union of Socialist Youth), added to their turmoil. She empowered the Maori Labour caucus activists towards a more divisive goal of undemocratic tribal rule.
The political landscape took a massive 180 degrees about turn under a long shadow of Covid, and deliberate racial division. Trust went out the door.

This week a submission was sent to the NZ Government declaring a personal abhorrence of giving over the country’s right to make its own health decisions to an unelected and unaccountable World Health Organisation (WHO) in Geneva.
We need more Kiwis to do likewise here – https://www.docdroid.com/kkgWheL/cheat-sheet-for-ihr-submissions-pdf
It’s hard to predict the trajectory of the evolution of trust in New Zealand. It is currently very low. Those who refused to be derailed by the Labour Government and the Covid-19 murky shadow left by the dishonest medical professionals, unexpectedly find themselves extraordinarily politically aware. They are justifiably distrustful of any self-appointed global ‘health’ leader. These critical thinkers will continue living their carefree life, but will in no way conform to a globalist ‘New Normal’.
Who in their right mind anyway would want the WHO taking control, announcing the next ‘predictable’ global emergency, approving worldwide dangerous untested vaccines, mandating universal compliance or quarantining people, again?