How long before it’s illegal to be a Catholic in Tasmania? At the rate that stating core Catholic beliefs is being outlawed in the state, it only seems a matter of time.
When a Tasmanian bishop published a pamphlet putting the case that the Church’s teaching is that marriage is between a man and a woman – hauled before the courts. When Catholic students tried to host their annual gabfest at the University of Tasmania – banned from the venue.
And now, a Catholic education course advocating traditional marriage is “under review”, and under threat of legal action from the groomer lobby.
Because – get this – the same people who tell children that they’re “born in the wrong body” are claiming that the Church will give them “the impression there’s something wrong with them”.
A religious education course for Catholic college students that advocates traditional marriage is under review.
Catholic Education Tasmania had planned to introduce the course – the Good News for Living syllabus – next year for year 11 and 12 students.
The course outline says it would teach the “complementarity” of male and female genders and would require teachers to be “unambiguous in the clarity of their articulation of Catholic teaching” on marriage and sexuality.
All of which is core Catholic belief of 2000 years’ standing.
The Independent Education Union (IEU) said it would make the study of religious education mandatory in both years 11 and 12.
Well, if people don’t want their kids to get a Catholic religious education, don’t send them to a Catholic school.
The IEU’s deputy general secretary for Victoria and Tasmania, Kylie Busk, said there had been a lack of consultation during the development of the course, and teachers were concerned about some of its content, such as the role of gender.
Then why are they teaching at a Catholic school? It’s not like they didn’t know the Church’s stance on this stuff.
But hypocrisy just piles on hypocrisy.
Equality Tasmania spokesperson Rodney Croome said the unit “actively discriminates against” LGBTIQA+ students “by asserting that intimacy, love and sex should only occur within ‘sacramental marriage’, which currently excludes LGBTIQA+ people”.
“The proposed curriculum will give LGBTIQA+ students the impression there’s something wrong with them and they have no place in the world because it positions ‘sacramental marriage’ as the cornerstone of family, moral values, spirituality and civilisation,” Mr Croome said.
Rodney’s telling big ol’ porky-pies, as well as being a staggering hypocrity. Because Rodney also advocates the so-called “gender-affirming model” (an oxymoron, given its denial of the reality of biological gender), which literally teaches children that they can be “born in the wrong body”.
Neither does the course anywhere tell children ‘they have no place in the world’. It just tells them what Catholic belief is: if they don’t share Catholic beliefs, then they’re perfectly free to leave the Church. No one’s making them stay.
It also teaches the same thing to common-law heterosexual couples – but Rodney doesn’t seem to care to much about their hurty feelings.
And, like it or not, traditional marriage has for thousands of years been very much the cornerstone of Western civilisation.
But, of course, Rodney, like all rainbow bigots, can’t bear to let anyone hold a different opinion to his own, so he’s going to scurry off to the courts again.
“If this proposed curriculum goes ahead, Equality Tasmania will lodge complaints with the Office of Tasmanian Assessment, Standards and Certification (TASC) and the Anti-Discrimination Commission.”
ABC Australia
Because, of course they will.
Oddly enough, Equality Tasmania never seems to say take any of Tasmania’s Islamic schools to court or protest against them. Which is strange: if they doesn’t like what the Catholic Church teaches about sex and marriage, they might want to check out what Islam teaches.