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SADS Sudden Adult Death Syndrome

Voices For Freedom



Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS): How often had you heard of healthy young adults dying suddenly prior to 2021?

Ever heard of SADS before?

How many stories of fit, healthy, young people at the beginning of their lives just dropping dead or going to sleep and never waking up have you heard about this past year?


Us too.

Now, what has changed in that time to trigger such an increase?

The scientific thing to do would be to examine the situation and at least LOOK, right?

So, why isn’t that happening here?

Media – Government – Industry – Science and Medicine … and around and around it goes.

All connected and all compromised… and the people suffer as a result.

Sounds fair.

“Young people with a particular family history are being urged to get their hearts screened even if they are fit and healthy, as they could be at risk of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.”
