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Don’t believe your lyin’ eyes, by order of NSW police. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Rule of thumb: if a police official’s mouth is moving, he or she is probably telling a lie.

Many years ago, a friend of mine who’d emigrated from China told me how refreshing it was to be able to hear anything apart from state propaganda. He referred to events like the Tiananmen Square massacre, which, he said, were never even discussed by Chinese media or politicians, apart from a brief reference to protesters murdering police. It was only after he left China that he was even able to learn that the diametric opposite to Communist propaganda was true.

I wonder if he still holds that opinion?

Because Australian officials are now in the business of blatantly lying about what we can all see and hear with our own eyes and ears. Like a Soviet commissar, they inform us that black is white, water is dry, the sky is polka-dotted — anything else we might experience to the contrary is a counter-revolutionary lie.

For instance, a former ASIO chief said, with a straight face, that there was no connection between refugees and terrorism in Australia. In fact, all but one terror attack in Australia in the past few decades was perpetrated by a refugee or children of refugees.

Similarly, the Victorian police commissioner insisted that Africans were not over-represented in crime data. Yet, Vic Police’s own data showed that Africans were thirty times more likely to commit assaults, ninety times more likely to commit aggravated burglaries, and fifty times more likely to commit motor vehicle crimes.

Now, NSW police are telling yet another whopper.

Extensive forensic analysis of audio-video files of a protest outside the Sydney Opera House on October 9 have led police to conclude the phrase “gas the Jews” was not said, but “where’s the Jews” and “f— the Jews” were.

How stupid do these lying apparatchiks think we all are?

NSW Police are still investigating offences arising from that protest on October 7 and urged anyone with information to come forward.

Why? So the police “expert” can call them liars?

While police said a number of witnesses came forward and said they had heard the words “gas the Jews” spoken by protestors, an eminent, independent expert in biometric science concluded “with overwhelming certainty”, and based on many audio files submitted by the public, that the phrase chanted was “where’s the Jews”.

“The expert has concluded those words were said. We have relied on the evidence of the experience who is an eminent and very experienced expert,” Deputy Commissioner Mal Lanyon said on Friday.

He said the statements obtained from several individuals who said they heard the phrase “gas the Jews” could “not be attributed … to any specific individual.”

There are so many things wrong with this Soviet-level propaganda that it’s difficult to know where to start.

Firstly, who are you going to believe? The “eminent and very experienced expert” on the police payroll, or your lyin’ ears?

Secondly, even if they were chanting “Where’s the Jews” — how is that any better?

As Executive Council of Australian Jewry co-CEO Alex Ryvchin notes, what were they going to do when they found Jews?

[Ryvchin] said “‘Where’s the Jews’’ is as bad as ‘gas the Jews’. “Fu— the Jews’ is as dangerous and abhorrent as ‘gas the Jews’.”

“It’s about, let us find these people, and what were they going to do if they came across some Jews,” Mr Ryvchin said on Sky News.

He said it was “frankly irrelevant” what the exact words used in the chant were.

“It’s the sentiment, it’s the nature, it’s the tone and tenor of what was intended and that’s something that’s truly chilling.

It doesn’t matter whether the mob shouted “Gas the Jews” or “Where’s the Jews” — what is appalling is that, the very first reaction of Sydney’s Muslim community to a horrifying massacre of Jews in Israel was celebration. The instant the videos of mass slaughter of Jews was broadcast to the world, the Muslim suburbs of Sydney lit up with fireworks, and carloads of Muslims cheering and celebrating. Muslim community leaders told excited mobs, “I’m elated!” A mob of hundreds of Muslims descended on the Opera House to burn Israeli flags and chant anti-Semitic slogans.

And Greens politicians were right there with them. Not one raised a word of protest.

President of the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies David Ossip said the police’s findings proved “again what a night of national shame and infamy this was”.

“If they wanted to know where we were whilst they were out celebrating, we were at home mourning our dead family and friends and worrying about those who had been taken hostage,” Mr Ossip said.

“Based on the Police advice to the Jewish community to stay away from the CBD, we can only imagine what would have happened if they had found ‘the Jews’.”

The Australian

They can’t even plead the pathetic excuse of the war in Gaza — because it hadn’t even begun, and wouldn’t for days.

No — the instinctive reaction of Sydney’s Muslims to the mass slaughter of Jews was unhinged hate.

And no amount of obvious official lies can cover that up.
