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How the Children of COVID Are Suffering Pt 1

pink and white plastic container on brown wooden table
Photo by Kelly Sikkema. The BFD.

We all know that the costs of the pandemic panic far outweigh the illusory benefits of lockdowns and mask mandates. Well, you know, because you read The BFD, not the lying mainstream media. We’ve been warning for nearly two years of the literally deadly cost of the pandemic panic by politicians, bureaucrats and media.

Suicides are up, mental illness is soaring, cancer prognoses are deteriorating, as are many other diseases that are not being diagnosed and treated early, thanks to lockdowns. A recent study in The Lancet found that “substantial increases in the number of avoidable cancer deaths in England are to be expected as a result of diagnostic delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK”. Doctors in Australia and NZ have made the same warnings for the past two years. Already the long-predicted surge in mental illness is observed.

These are avoidable health crises that will persist for years, long after the Covidians have taken their golden handshakes and slunk off to enjoy their UN sinecure.

But if the long-term effect of lockdowns on adults is bad enough, the diabolical effects on children are already showing up.

A speech therapist says that mask wearing during the pandemic has caused a 364% increase in patient referrals of babies and toddlers.

Jaclyn Theek told WPBF News that before the pandemic, only 5 per cent of patients were babies and toddlers, but this has soared to 20 per cent.

It’s dispiriting enough to see people who’ve been so thoroughly indoctrinated that they wear masks in the street, or in their cars. It’s infuriating when governments force nonsensical mask rules in public places. But it’s horrifying to see parents masking up even small children, without even being ordered to by authoritarian governments.

It’s even more horrifying, now that we know what mask-wearing is doing to children.
Parents are describing their children’s speech problems as “COVID delayed,” with face coverings the primary cause of their speaking skills being seriously impaired.

As young as 8 months old, babies start learning how to speak by reading lips, a thankless task if parents and carers smother themselves with masks to comply with mandates.

“It’s very important kids do see your face to learn, so they’re watching your mouth,” said Theek.

The news report featured one such mother, Briana Gay, who is raising five children but having speech problems with her youngest.

“It definitely makes a difference when the world you’re growing up in you can’t interact with people and their face, that’s super important to babies,” said Gay.

It gets worse.

According to Theek, since the pandemic, autism symptoms are also skyrocketing.

“They’re not making any word attempts and not communicating at all with their family,” she said.

Summit News

This is not even the worst outcome of the pandemic stupidity of politicians and health bureaucrats. It gets worse. Much much worse as I will cover tomorrow in Pt 2.


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