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Ever so oppressed. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Some years ago, in my previous life as a graphic designer, I was tasked with preparing a website for a client who ran a male escort agency. It was all very tasteful stuff — the client made clear that their’s wasn’t some kind of sleazy Grindr knockoff. In fact, their target clientele and biggest market were businessmen who were after a handsome, charming male companion, not for sleazy, dive-motel shenanigans, but for a business function or important dinner.

These were rich, powerful men who wanted very much to be seen as gay.

This was some years after Seinfeld gifted “ribbon bully” and “…not that there’s anything wrong with that!” into the cultural lexicon. In other words, no matter how much the Alphabet People want to cling to their “victim” status, Western society had undergone a seismic cultural change. Homosexuality was no longer violently persecuted but wielded ineluctable social, economic and political clout.

Nowhere has that become more obvious than in the poovification of the Liberal party. The supposedly stuffy, blue-tie conservative party, especially in NSW, now overflows with out and loud and very aggressive Alphabet People.

Given that the percentage of LGBTQ Australians is about three to four per cent at most, such an imbalance among the elected makes little sense.

So, if, as the left keeps claiming, the Liberals are the “party of the elite”, then it follows that homosexuals are the new elite class of Australia.

Now, it might be said that the sexual preference of an MP, so long as they’re legal, shouldn’t matter. This ought to be true: until we learn that parliamentary staffers were staging homosexual orgies, in the Parliament Prayer Room, on the taxpayer’s dime.

That’s just surface nastiness, though. The real problem is that a party disproportionately dominated by such a narrow niche of society is in grave danger of disconnecting from the electorate.

And it is. Even more than the Labor Party which has progressively (in every sense of the word) abandoned its working-class base, the Liberal party completely ignores the concerns of Menzies’ “forgotten people”, in order to obsess over the boutique issues of the boutique class.

While the general populace tolerates this small minority quite well, most voters are more concerned with cost of living pressures and the well-being of their families – not the LGBTQ cause.

In fact, such fringe concerns are mainly the pre-occupation of wealthy voters, as evidenced by the successes achieved by inner-city Teals, who specialise in pandering to minority issues.

With both the major parties almost single-mindedly given over to the woke obsessions of the wealthy of inner-city Sydney and Melbourne, voters in middle Australia have been left with nowhere to go. And it shows in the abysmal first-preference vote of both parties. The left media might crow that the Liberals’ vote is at just 28%, but Labor won the last election with an abysmal 32% — its lowest in a century.

Have Australian voters really considered the implications of a tiny demographic leading society down a path of embracing and glorifying this overly lauded agenda?

Haven’t grooming and coercive practices hurt our defenceless youth quite enough already?

We’re seeing the fruits of the fruitification of politics in a generation of children brainwashed into reality-defying confusion about their own bodies. Often reinforced with psychological manipulation and, at worst, surgical and chemical mutilation and castration. A great many opt for suicide.

Are the mainstream parties standing up against this grim agenda? No: they’re amplifying it.

And completely ignoring the voices of voters.

One seemingly safe, wealthy Liberal seat after another has fallen over successive electoral cycles as incumbents have attempted to outdo the Teals with claimed zeal for all this woke, Left and homosexual.

When faced with such a terrible choice, confused voters have opted to vote for the real thing. Remarkably, Left Liberal MPs really think the answer is to move even further toward the woke cabal.

On the other hand, centre-right MPs who bother to focus on the concerns of middle Australia reap the reward.

Contrastingly, WA Liberal MP Andrew Hastie and Queensland’s Phil Thompson have converted marginal seats into safe seats by concentrating on electors’ real needs, which is where electoral success is to be found.

Perhaps the best overseas example of this is the formerly swing State of Florida.

Recently re-elected Republican Governor Ron DeSantis has governed competently in the interests of his constituents.

He declared “Florida is the State where woke comes to die”. Unsurprisingly, he won re-election last year in a landslide.


As state after state sees the Liberal Wets decimated, there is at least a chance to rebuild. WA and SA Liberals are showing signs of having learned the painful lesson. Victoria and NSW continue to persist in the delusion that the only way to beat the left is to join them.

In the meantime, voters just keep losing, as the cost of living soars, and the groomers creep deeper and deeper into their children’s classrooms, unopposed.


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