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How They’re Coming for Your Kids Pt 2

The groomers have free candy. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

As exposed by City Journal’s Christopher Rufo (See the BFD), the public school system in Oregon in the USA is pushing a radical queer theory indoctrination on children from kindergarten on. This should be no surprise to BFD readers. We’ve already exposed the sinister “Mates and Dates” programme in New Zealand. I’ve long reported on the equally creepy “Safe Schools” program (notice how they disguise their intention with Maoist-sounding euphemisms?) and its descendants in Australia.

When Safe Schools first became public knowledge, the backlash was instant and intense. Caught with their pants down and our kiddies on their laps, the left media went into full lying-as-defense mode. “It’s just an anti-bullying programme,” they huffed. In which case, why the obsession with queer theory talking points and openly teaching, as the Safe Schools creator boasted, “how to be gay and communist”? Why were the sort of people who wrote op-eds defending “loving” paedophilia and advocating abolishing the age of consent behind it all?

Faced with a wave of furious parents, Safe Schools was supposedly withdrawn. In reality, it was simply rebadged and educators carried right on with their indoctrination. The pedo-left being nothing if not persistent, parents and critics of creepy queer theory propaganda face a never-ending game of whack-a-mole. Even though NSW explicitly banned them, the gender whisperers have been caught out, slithering back into schools, with the blessing of teachers’ unions.

A union push to teach primary school students about intersex identity and gender diversity through picture books has been slammed.

The NSW Teacher’s Federation union is urging educators to deliver the lessons to students during English and Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) classes across NSW schools even though the state has a ban on any lessons in gender fluidity […]

The books have been recommended by the Journal of Professional Learning – the professional learning unit of the NSW Teacher’s Federation Union […]

The JPL says on its website it ‘seeks to enhance the quality of teaching and of public education’ and calls itself the ‘professional development arm’ of the teacher’s union.

In reality, it looks more like the professional wing of the paedophiles’ union.

The academics suggest teachers include books about a child who is born as a boy but identifies as a girl, a child who does not identify as either gender and a boy who likes to dress in girl’s clothes.

What is it about these creepy educators that makes them so obsessed with children and sex? The answer, as I’ve suggested before, lies in the odious academic garbage called “queer theory”.

So, the question is not so much about why children need to be exposed to queer theory, but why queer theorists are so determined to expose themselves to children.

One Nation MP Mark Latham has slammed the push saying parents should be responsible for teaching their children about personal topics.

He has raised the issue with education minister Sarah Mitchell, Daily Telegraph reported.

“The Minister has been ineffective in stopping organisations like the NSW Teachers Federation infiltrating our schools with gender propaganda, such as in these books,” he said.

2GB host Ben Fordham, who has previously slammed an after school centre for teaching children about gender theory, posted about the push on Facebook […]

Ms Mitchell shot down the push to bring in the picture books saying public schools had to stick to the NSW curriculum.

The NSW curriculum does not currently include gender identity education programs such as Safe Schools.

Daily Mail

Until leftist teachers unions sneak them right back in again, just under yet another misleadingly innocuous name.

Like spiders scurrying under rocks, the queer theorists thrive in darkness.
