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How to Crawl under a Snake’s Belly

White and Black Snake on Close Up Photography

The arse-covering and politicking over the disgraceful pro-terrorist celebrations and anti-Semitic demonstrations from Sydney’s Muslim community — and Greens politicians — are coming thick and fast.

Although no-one is addressing the camel in the tent: that there is a segment of the Australian population, one with outsized political influence on the left of politics, which is violently anti-Semitic. People who spontaneously erupt in celebration when thousands of Jews are murdered, women raped, and innocents taken hostage to be used as human shields by barbaric cowards.

One thing is clear: these people are all-but untouchable.

New South Wales Police Assistant Commissioner Tony Cooke commended the police officers present at the pro-Palestine protest in Sydney last night, saying that managing the movement of the group was “the best option for police”.

In other words, police are too scared of Sydney’s Muslim community to act against violent hatred. So instead, they persecute the victims, who they know aren’t going to set off bombs or go stabby-stabby-Allahu-Ackbar in the CBD next week, in retaliation.

Sydney businessman Mark Spiro, who was dragged from the protest by police after he arrived carrying an Israeli flag was allegedly removed “for his safety” according to the Assistant Commissioner.

It’s also emerged that the pro-Hamas rally was allowed to go ahead, untouched, despite not having police approval.

NSW Police Minister Yasmin Catley has confirmed in parliament that Monday’s pro-Palestine rally in the Sydney CBD and Opera House precinct “was not approved by police”.

“Police did not approve the march, there was no form one (the authorisation form) for Monday night’s event,” Ms Catley told parliament.

“After the horrific events over the weekend, police were monitoring the situation and became aware a large number would gather in the CBD.

And did nothing to stop it — except to ban Sydney’s law-abiding Jewish community from their own vigil.

A rowdy pro-Palestine rally was allowed to go ahead – where racial and anti-Semitic slurs were shouted, and the Israeli flag burnt – while Sydney’s Jewish community were told to stay away by NSW Police.

“The Premier, Attorney-General and Police Minister have failed in their duty to ensure the safety and protection of Sydney’s Jewish community – instead telling the community ‘to stay home’,” NSW Liberal leader Mark Speakman said.

As an ex-copper turned politician has pointed out, police had every legal recourse to shut down the anti-Semitic hate.

NSW MLC Rod Roberts, a 20-year cop before entering parliament, said he was aware the organisers had not filed, nor got approved, a notice to hold a public assembly to NSW Police.

This form is essential to get the police approvals to host a legal protest.

It must be submitted at least seven days before the proposed assembly to the police commissioner […]

“If this (the scenes at the Opera House) isn’t a breach of the peace, I don’t know what is.”

But there was one political party who were very much not missing in the disgusting action. The Greens were instead in the thick of the anti-Jewish hate.

Executive Council of Australian Jewry co-CEO Alex Ryvchin […said] “There have been political failings, I note in particular the federal Greens and the stateGreens, their atrocious statements attacking Israel at its time of greatest need and despair”.

The Australian

The vile rot in the Greens goes right to the festering head. Leader Adam Bandt has taken nearly three days to respond to the carnage in Israel.

And even then, he chooses to take the side of the terrorists.

Greens Leader Adam Bandt has condemned the “horrific” attack on civilians by Hamas as he called for Israel to end its occupation of Palestine.

Except that he never actually condemned Hamas at all. Bandt, who has never lost an opportunity to specifically single out Israel before, notably did not name Hamas or even Palestine, when condemning “horrific attacks on civilians”.

But he did immediately attack Israel.

“We condemn the occupation.

“It’s time for a just and lasting peace.

“To achieve peace the occupation of Palestine must end.”


Elsewhere on X, other Greens were also vocal in their support for terrorists.

Anthony Albanese, who dragged his feet for twelve hours before even responding to the attacks, has shamed himself further by trying to use them to spruik his racist “Voice” referendum.

Anthony Albanese claimed there “has been a rise in anti-Semitism in recent times in Australia,” both in relation to the Voice referendum, and the Israel-Gaza conflict.

The Australian

Is nothing too low for this pathetic little grub of a man?
