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Joe Hunter Biden laptop

A meme based on a picture featuring a bare-chested Hunter smoking crack has appeared full size outside a Nashville gas station saying, “Hope gas prices don’t get too high.”

Trump has said that soon Russia and the Middle East will be making a fortune in oil and that America is now no longer energy independent. In fact, ‘Bungling Biden’ is helping this all along by removing sanctions that Trump put on the Nord Stream pipeline from Russia to Germany.

Although Joe Biden has constantly said he had never met his son Hunter’s or his brother’s business associates it looks like a meeting was set up by Biden for the oligarchs of Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan in a very smart restaurant in Washington, according to emails found on Hunter’s laptop.

This report comes from Miranda Devine of the New York Post. Hunter emailed the oligarchs saying that his Dad would be there but to keep it amongst themselves. This is a pay to play scheme. Paying for influence. Burisma sent an email back thanking him for the opportunity to meet his father.

Joe Pags did a little parody on the song “Cocaine”. It’s worth repeating:

If you wanna hang out you’ve got to take her out “Ukraine”.
If you wanna get down on the ground “Ukraine”.
She don’t lie, she don’t lie, “Ukraine”.

If you’ve got bad news, you wanna kick them blues! “Ukraine”.
When your day is done and you wanna run, “Ukraine”.
She don’t lie, she don’t lie, “Ukraine”.

Steve Bannon has been blasting “deplorables for underwriting their own destruction”.

Bannon says Biden has been spending like a “drunken sailor” with Red China purchasing American bonds. He says that the interest on this is paying for a two million man army and making the Chinese Navy the biggest in the world. He regards this as a “Greek Tragedy”. And China as an existential threat.

Meanwhile, Donie O’Sullivan closely follows the ‘Deplorables” so that he can report back to Anderson Cooper at CNN the “horror” intentions of this group.

So far he reports they want a Myanmar style coup because Biden is a puppet and it was a fraudulent election. Maggie Haberman of NYT tweeted “no that isn’t how it works…” She has made the claim that Trump is telling close associates he will be back in by August.

Sidney Powell at a meeting “For God and Country” said elections had been overturned in the past but not presidential ones. She thought there could just be an ‘inauguration” albeit a late one. A Pennsylvania company came to Arizona to inspect the recount. Is there a recount on the cards there as well?

New York is getting the message about the 2020 election. At a Mets baseball game, a Yuge “Trump Won” banner was lowered, similar to the one at Yankee Stadium a few days prior. The peasants are revolting.

Farage has come “over the pond” to let Americans know that the Democrats are following the failed Labour Party in Britain with their views on open borders, cancel culture, eradication of their own history, and promotion of racial tensions.

70% of Britain now support Brexit. Farage said America had her own Brexit from King George III a couple of centuries ago and it did them no harm though they had to fight for it.

Can America swing another Brexit from the Marxists? It could be called a “MARXIT”

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