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Fly cattle class? Moi? The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Scratch a sanctimonious Green and you’ll find a raging hypocrite scarcely concealed beneath the surface. This has been true of the left, of course, since the earliest days of socialism, when the Bloomsbury Circle would privately sneer at the “awful” working classes they pretended to champion. The Soviets had their nomenklatura, and the Chinese Communists are into their second or third generation of princelings.

Not to be outdone, the Australian hard left has its own Marxist princelings. Starting right at the top.

As I reported last week, Greens leader Adam Bandt, who publicly attacks “billionaires” and vocally advocates mask-wearing, is notably averse to wearing a mask himself, while kicking back in one of the most exclusive clubs in the country, the invitation-only Qantas Chairman’s Lounge.

We noted that while he was safely away from the cameras in the Chairman’s Lounge, Bandt was happy to shed his Covid-shielding mask. But as soon as the Greens Leader left the anything-but-socialist confines of the lounge to join the general riff-raff of Canberra Airport, his fashionable black mask came straight back on.

But Bandt’s Sun King-level sense of entitlement doesn’t end there.

Witness accounts relayed to Diary from fellow business-class travellers suggest Bandt has for some time been known to have a fondness for life behind the little curtain up the front of the plane in Qantas’s first three or four rows.

A variety of studies suggest that travelling business class emits between two and four times more greenhouse gas emissions than economy.

Bandt’s apparent fondness for the front of the plane appears to be borne out by his considerable expenditure on domestic airfares, as per his parliamentary declarations. For the first three months of this year, Bandt spent a chunky $10,664.85 on domestic scheduled fares.

The Australian
Fly cattle class? Moi? The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

“Hypocrisy” is apparently the Greens’ mission statement. Their duplicity is so blatant that even leftist Bible Crikey can’t help but notice.

The entire federal Greens Party is starting to look weak and hypocritical.


This is the party, after all — indeed, its leader specifically — that boasts on their website that “There should be no place for bullying in our workplaces”

“I am glad the government has accepted the need for workers to have access to an independent umpire when employers don’t act on bullying.”

“Everyone deserves a safe workplace.

Adam Bandt

Unless they work in the Greens’ office.

As also reported recently by The BFD, Lidia Thorpe — the Green’s dopey-bint answer to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — is accused by multiple witnesses of grossly bullying Aboriginal Elders at a meeting Parliament House. Even her own staffer called it, “the most unprofessional conduct he has ever witnessed”. Aunty Geraldine Atkinson, in her 70s, was so distressed by Thorpe’s abuse that she sought medical attention from the parliamentary nurse.

Atkinson wrote to Thorpe’s leader, Bandt, about the incident — he never responded.

But even Crikey reckons Atkinson got off lightly.

While not on the same level as Thorpe’s disgusting abuse of Liberal Senator Hollie Hughes late last year — Thorpe allegedly yelled “at least I kept my legs shut” at Hughes, who has a son with autism […]

If this had been a white Liberal senator yelling abuse at a stakeholder, especially an Indigenous elder, talk of “robust discussions” wouldn’t have got far with the Greens, who would have labelled it evidence of bullying and racism.


Instead, the Greens have branded it merely a “robust discussion” and swept the whole matter under their very plush carpet.

What was that about “No place for bullying in our workplaces”, Adam?

Oh, sorry — he can’t hear us over the clinking of champagne glasses in the Chairman’s Lounge.


They Are Lying Grifters

They Are Lying Grifters

The Disinformation Project takes a close look at social media platforms, which they call an “online ecosystem”, but shows no interest in MSM platforms.

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Thoughts on Kākāriki Mayor Tory Whanau

Thoughts on Kākāriki Mayor Tory Whanau

Perhaps if the Greens want to endorse a different kākāriki mayoral candidate next year, they should go for someone who isn’t from the lobbying beltway and instead choose someone with a better sense of what ordinary people want from local government.

Members Public