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(Photo by Yuki Iwamura-Pool/Getty Images)

Matthew H

I served 10 years in the US Army and married a Kiwi. I’m just trying to get people to understand MY people.

New York City votes 80 per cent Democrat. The jury pool for Donald Trump’s trial would have been stacked with Trump haters. Same thing with all the J6 defendants facing five-plus years in prison for trespassing because their Washington DC juries are from a pool that votes 90 per cent Democrat. The entire rest of the country is sick of this weaponisation of the government. They are sick of getting an FBI visit because they made a tweet about the crimes of the Biden administration. They are sick of the voter fraud, sick of the two-tiered justice system (one for conservatives and a slap on the wrist for Antifa/BLM), sick of the unending wars that their sons and daughters die in while Democrats’ sons and daughters dress in black, riot and burn the country down.

The ‘flyover states’ have had it. And I’m right there with them. Trump is going to win in a landslide that overwhelms the fraud and likely an attempted second ‘surprise outbreak’. After the riots (again) for Trump winning, the rule of law will be restored.

All of my fellow veterans that I keep in contact with are sick to death of what is being done. We don’t want violence, however, so the election – conducted as fraud-free as possible – and inauguration is the best route.
