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I Could Not Kill the Way You Kill

Worldwide Rally for Freedom WELLINGTON. Photo supplied. The BFD

New Zealand Doctors Speaking out with Science

As vax deaths are ramping up, Leonard Cohen’s song, Nevermind is an intense reminder of the complexities of life. There are those that know, despite the pain, grief and tears, that truth will outlast destruction- the song’s original message. There are those that look away.

Cartoon credit: SonovaMin. The BFD.

Adapted and recorded by AMac 2022, for Red Remembrance Day, Nevermind speaks of the destruction wrought by the covid injection that was promised to get us “back to normal”. When it fails to do so, killing and maiming along the way, there are those that just say, Nevermind. However, as Red Remembrance Day showed, there are many who do not look away, who can resonate with the words:

I could not kill the way you kill I could not hate I tried, I failed -Leonard Cohen

Nevermind Vax Adapted: Listen- and Read the Words

Nevermind. Nevermind.
Humankind caught in a bind
Reason mute, conscience blind
Caught up entranced: hypnotised
Captured, trapped, vaxxed by evils well planned circumstance

Nevermind Cohen said this before he died:

The stories told with facts and lies:
I don’t know which but nevermind.

Nevermind, live’s lost, deaths denied:
There are vaxxed that live & vaxxed that die:
I don’t know who but nevermind.

The jabs it seems are not all the same:
Different batches, data gathering, experimentation is the name of the game:
Some kill, others lame, hatched in labs for the criminally insane,
When your name’s called, that batch number you get: God knows,
Nothing good comes from playing Jab Russian Roulette

And you, who held your ground, would not comply
Uncoerced by godless lies while others fell under a fearful spell:
The vaxxed get heaven, the rest is hell.

So long ago, we picked our side:
Drew some lines…Truths confided…Truths denied:
Factions made: We formed our tribes

Now times have changed [tho the game plan’s the same]:
Humanity carries on eating apples,
Goodness & evil continue to battle,
Instructions are given, truth removed
Christ and the Devil both disabused
Spirits of destruction assume their poses demure
While we suppose what good should endure

I know, I know, religion spoils the view, contravenes the Official World
News: Nevermind: If pain persists, see your doctor: Shoot up another shot of devil’s own pulp propaganda, key facts & figures abandoned, as blacked out as any Pfizer contract: No response-ability, No conscience,
No culpability; Personal liability all carefully redacted; Livelihoods…
live’s lost…injuries ignored: Such indifference comes at quite a cost, but nevermind: We choose whatever…For now that choice is ours

As time slides by, still entranced
Some dream we’ve won; some even dance
Other’s die, dead on their feet
Dead in the bath; dead in the streets
No treatment plan: No time to swoon,
No safe-house; no sacred place; No safe womb;
Just jab attacks under a blood red moon

Shots delivered by volunteers
Doing their bit to prick without the tears
Too many needles get the damage done
No jab. No job: So run rabbit run.

Nevermind. Nevermind: So many virtues to immortalise:
So many vices to disguise: So many mantras to memorise

Jabbers are jabbing jabbee’s just to be kind:
Injured & dead we don’t recognise
[nor the fear-maddened other’s who’ve taken their lives]
When love comes undone: All meaning gone:
Careers ended…not even crumbs: ALL best ignored
“Vaxxed adds life & every body wants a little life”

Nevermind, jabs take lives & much harm done by their little lies,
When deadly earnest cries crimes against humanity,
Conscience calls out genocide & unconscionable injury:
Most cannot break the spell,
Not when murder’s dressed up so swell it appears almost au natural
DOA…COD: Dead On Arrival: Cause of Death: Undetermined
No Autopsy Performed For No Good Reason
Kids killed by heart failure at 14 years of age:
Three hours before such travesty struck:
Boosted full of do-you -even-know what?
Miscarriages…Still-births…All Cause Mortality stats thru the roof:

“Absolutely normal. Nothing here to report”

Or so these sorcerers of science,
these singular sources of truth would have us believe:

“Catastrophic clotting & prepubescent heart attacks
probably linked to global warming”

Ffffaa-auci & Hararri, Gates, Biden, Zuckerberg, Ardern, Schwab, [and every other red-carded reptilian member of that monstrous party]
chant their transhumanist de-population mantra’s, preparing their dark
führer’s diabolical future: Nevermind: it’s all good. It’s all fine:
Charismatic, Egomania is the new regime: Ardern, Trudeau, Merkel, Macron: The list of counterfeits goes on & on: Young globalist Schwab trained leaders have been plaguing the system for years:

We de-democracise with all our skill: we know how & who to charm & kill.
Our genius: Tyranny dressed as philanthropy tick-tocking right now on
every clock: Gifted by Mr & Ms Misanthrop, toxic shots prepare the New
World Order- WHO’s reprobates just done care – Jab everyone, the whole damn lot. Lab modified, synthetic RNA is made to stick, injected in by little
pricks, each minute code, a telegram, installs some other godless plan
Who wants the world, who wants it all; Five billion gone we can’t recall
Whatever’s left, we claim to keep; Whoever rules just counts the sheep

Nevermind World Karma bringing on our Great Desecration drama.
Nevermind that other theme offering to consecrate the human being.
Nevermind what’s encoded in subhuman control-of function serums.
Nevermind, Musk’s satellite web of 5G love reaching down like a parody of
Christ’s second coming to connect us all up: Nevermind, love lost, facts
denied, so much profaned by all the lies: Nevermind, whoever still dares
not comply: Strip them, whip them, then crucify.

Law lost, contract signed: Signed in blood but nevermind
There are facts that live & facts that die: I don’t know which but nevermind
Lives lost, cause denied, Facts that live & vaxxed that die:
Nevermind Leonard said what’s coming next before he died:

I could not kill the way you kill:
I could not hate: I tried: I failed.
You turned me in [at least you tried]
You die with them who you despise;
This was your heart, this swarm of flies
Was once your mouth, this bowl of lies:
You serve them well, I’m not surprised:
You’re of their kin, you’re of their kind

There are vaxxed that lived & vaxxed that died
We don’t know who or what survives
Pacts of truth…Pacts of lies:
WHO know which
WHO know who
WHO know why

Written & presented by AMac, Nov 2022 for Red Remembrance Day

Based upon, inspired by & adapted from Leonard Cohen’s song, Nevermind
