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Paula Bennett has claimed that comments questioning her Maori heritage are “racist.” A similar accusation is used by transgender activists. They accuse people of being “transphobic” if they dare to question their gender identity.

Identity politics has upset the apple cart. Previously, people would debate what percentage of Maori blood a person had to have before they could consider themselves Maori and also whether or not they were culturally Maori and involved in the Maori community.

I personally consider myself ethnically Lebanese as I am half Lebanese but I am also half  “white” (German/English) Australian and I am culturally a Westerner. If we were to have a debate, I would accept that I am a New Zealander. I am not involved in the Lebanese community and I do not speak Arabic and I only occasionally make Lebanese food. I look Lebanese but if someone was to tell me that really I am culturally European or a Westerner, I would not be offended nor would I consider that to be a racist statement.

Thanks to transgender activism Paula Bennett can claim to have any heritage she wants. If blokes with all their bits are able to claim they are sheilas on the basis of nothing more than a whim, then why shouldn’t
the same rules apply for identifying as a Maori?

Of course some Maori leaders have not moved with the times and have very different ideas.

MP for Tamaki Makaurau and Whanau Ora and Youth Minister Peeni Henare backed Jackson this afternoon.
In his view “blood quantum simply isn’t enough” when it comes to being Maori.
“I’ve always felt that you have to reach a threshold of need, participation and contribution in Maori Kapapa. If you don’t, of course, questions are going to be raised.”
He said he was “more than happy” for those questions to be raised of anybody who claims to be Maori who does not meet that threshold.
Henare said he had not seen Bennett’s contribution to the community or to Maori Kapapa.
“I haven’t seen her [Bennett] on the marae; I haven’t seen her dry dishes, I haven’t seen her do a karanga – therefore, it should be raised as a question.”
end of quote.


Oh dear, he hasn’t seen her dry any dishes. I understand what he is getting at but that comment is almost as bad as saying “fix the man some eggs.”
