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I Guess I Will Have to Grow Old Gracefully

letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

At 73 years old things sometimes don’t work as good as when you are younger. With this in mind, I thought I would get some viagra.

I had seen in my local chemist shop a sign saying. “Viagra available here with no prescription”. I decided I wouldn’t go to my local who knew me well so I went to somewhere I wasn’t known.

I approached the counter and there were three young Asian girls there attending to customers. One came over to me and asked if she could help me. Being a little embarrassed I asked to see the chemist please thinking that whoever they were they might be a little bit older. The young lady that had asked me what I wanted said, “She’s quite busy, maybe I can help you?” I said, “I want some Viagra, please.” She said, “Yes, that will be no problem, how much do you want?” Being quite ignorant about this, I asked how many in a packet and was told they came in strips of four. I said, “Well two strips sounds fine.” She said, “I will get it ready for you, take a seat over there and wait for the chemist.”

I sat down and after about ten minutes of waiting, a striking looking young Asian lady approaches me and said, “I see you have asked for some Viagra. Please come over here and I will record your particulars for next time.” I thought that this sounded good so over I went.

First, it was my name then it was my address then it was my date of birth, to which she said, “I am sorry, you are over 70, you need a prescription.” The girl who had attended me said, “I am so sorry I thought you were in your early sixties.”

So now I go to my local chemist who knows me very well and knows how fit I am and ask him and get the same reply. So after all my driving around I am no closer to getting Viagra than I was when I started.

I get on the phone and ring my doctor’s receptionist and ask her if my doctor can prescribe me some Viagra. (The one good thing that had come out of this is the Chinese chemist had told me to ask for one that was the cheapest and she assured me it worked just as well). So I asked the receptionist for this brand and she asked me how to spell it and I didn’t know how. I said hopefully my doctor will know that. So now my doctor’s receptionist, my doctor and my chemist and all his helpers will know all about how often my wife and I have sex.

After this performance, I think I will find an alternative. Grow old gracefully and learn to live with the embarrassment life causes you.

Don T
