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I Guess We’re All Extremists, Now

In fashion, the latest trend may always be the “new black”, but in politics right now, “extremism” is the new white.

Establishment crony challenged by a grassroots upstart? “Extremism”! Right-of-Marx policies? “Extremism!” Believe in freedom? “ULTRA-EXTREMISM!”

“Extremism” is fast displacing “racism”, “Nazi” and “white supremacist” in the legacy media and establishment politics lexicon of baseless slurs to fling at anyone who dares challenge their little, elite echo-chamber. They didn’t spend the last few decades quietly building their exclusive little clubhouse for a bunch of oiks, prattling about inconsequential stuff like “freedom of choice” to gatecrash the cocktail party.

In New Zealand, the bought-and-paid-for media are hysterically smearing local government candidates who aren’t anointed by the Establishment machine. In Australia, the Liberal wets are panicking over a grass-roots challenge to their destructive dominance.

Naturally, they’re screaming, “Extremism!”

A Victorian Liberal Party politician who was ousted at pre-selection by a candidate linked to a Pentecostal church has lashed out at extremism in politics in her final speech as a parliamentarian.

Upper House Member for Eastern Victoria Cathrine Burnett-Wake was widely expected to contest the November state election, but despite being personally endorsed by federal Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, was instead tossed from the ticket when City Builder’s Church member Renee Heath won pre-selection.

So, a factional hack got arseholed out by a candidate backed by rank-and-file members? Tough titties, sweetheart.

It might be worth pointing out that the last Liberal prime minister was also a member of a Pentecostal church — and as wet as a soggy lettuce leaf. The only thing “extreme” about Scott Morrison was the extreme haste with which he scrambled to fall in line with media-left talking points.

An ABC investigation last month found dozens of Liberal Party members, particularly in Gippsland, had recently left the party due to concerns about infiltration by church groups.

Stalwart party members told the ABC religious groups were teaming up to take over numerous Liberal Party branches in Gippsland.

Which sounds like any well-organised, grassroots campaign.

It also sounds like a long-merited conservative reclamation of a party which has drifted so far left that it’s practically indistinguishable from Labor.

In her valedictory speech to parliament on Wednesday night, Ms Burnett-Wake said extremism was a danger to democracy.

“These cults try to splinter our society while, ironically, speaking of oneness and unity,” she said.

Which cult? The Climate Cult? The Covid Cult?

“Infiltrate, impact, impel is their strategy.

“Their goal is to target faltering democratic institutions, where a well-organised minority can effectively disenfranchise the majority – removing moderate representation options from voters and degrading faith in democratic process.”

This sounds like exactly what has been happening for decades under the Long March through the Institutions. The result has been that even supposedly conservative parties have moved almost completely to the left.

Liberal Party members have expressed concerns that progressive laws passed in recent years such as assisted dying, the legalisation of sex work and making abortion more accessible have spurred extremists into policy making positions within the party.


Riiiight… because opposing “progressives” in Dandrewstan is “extremism”.

I suspect that what really terrifies the Victorian Liberals is the horrifying prospect of actually winning an election for once.
