Saturday, 1 May 2020. Stuff’s front page, “Most popular”:

Sometime in the ensuing hours:
Sinead, Sinead…is that you, it’s Helen, you’re on speaker to Heather, we’re all here, all of us. Sinead; what were you thinking? Get that piece cremated…
What do you mean; you can’t do that? Ok, ok..then bury it…just bury it, and set the attack dogs on Collins’.
6.28am. Sunday, 2 May 2020. Stuff front page, “Most popular.”

Isn’t that remarkable; kittens, how a story can go from ‘Most popular’ to not even featuring in the top eight just six short hours later? Amazing, eh? Oh, and an editorial attacking Collins:

And a cartoon, ditto:

I love the scent of Lefty Panic in the morning, don’t you?
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