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I promise to be the first in

Screen grab: Whaleoil

Today, 21 May 2019 a team entered the Pike River mine drift tunnel. Was Winston Peters there as he promised in 2016 and reaffirmed in 2018?  Nope! Just another failed empty promise from the master of failed empty promises.

Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters is sticking by his promise to be the first person to re-enter the Pike River mine drift.

Mr Peters first made the promise in front of Pike River families in December 2016, saying: “I’m that confident on the expert advice that you have, that I’m offering to be on the first party back in.”

During the post-Cabinet news conference on Monday afternoon, he reaffirmed the pledge.  

“I made that statement a long time, before anybody wanted to enter the mine because I do have an experience of mining or working underground… so it’s nothing new in terms of danger,” he said.
End quote.

Newshub 18 June 2018


Winston Peters said the re-entry was a “victory for the families who are fighting tirelessly for answers”.

“Re-entry into Pike River is about justice. It’s about finding out the truth, and it is about doing what’s right for the families of those 29 men,” the New Zealand First leader said.

End quote.

A Newspaper

So where’s Wally  Winston?  Piking out in parliament, certainly not at Pike River.


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