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I Want It, You’ve Got It, I’m Taking It, Stuff You

Photoshopped image credit. Luke. The BFD.

Rod Kane

While the lefty Herald and its woke, dribbling cartoonist Emmerson play down the alleged crimes of Goldy Grabititsmine, nobody has dared mention that she is merely displaying the finest characteristics of socialism. That is, what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine.

This is ‘redistribution’ in its finest form. I want it, you’ve got it, I’m taking it, stuff you.

Let us not forget that this imported ‘victim’ is taking far more from the public purse than many hard-working business owners could dream of earning. And for what? Largely helping those that don’t want to work help themselves to what you worked for.

Now that we have the disgusting, hypocritical Greens on the back foot, let’s put the pressure on and go for it.

Justice must be seen to be done. No talk of her being a victim or suffering a memory lapse. She remembers where her salary comes from and she remembers to attack all hard-taxed New Zealanders at every opportunity. The store that she stole from also needs support to prosecute this dishonest import. Apparently, this isn’t her first shoplifting experience in this store. They will have the pressure put on them to drop it.

We have the ball and we must run with it.

There is a massive cancer in our politics and here is a chance to cut some out. We must not let the media and the corrupt politicians bury it.

The shop didn’t invent this, they did not bring it to the attention of the Police for no reason, and isn’t it an amazing coincidence that Goldy Grabby went overseas within days of being caught?

If there is a fire here it needs fossil fuels, or better still EV batteries, tipped onto it.
