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Iain Lees-Galloway Is the Victim in This Story

The BFD. Cartoon credit SonovaMin

In an opinion piece in Stuff, Damien Grant had this to say regarding the Lees-Galloway affair:

“Collins certainly had no evidence of anything beyond this. Yet in the aftermath of the Andrew Falloon affair, Collins would have known that blurting out this made-up scandal would force the prime minister to act. The National Party leader destroyed a man’s career, humiliated his family and brought unnecessary pain and stress to those affected. And she did this to briefly set the agenda. It was an appalling way to behave. It was the politics of personal destruction to gain a tiny electoral advantage in a hectic news cycle.”

Now I might be a little thick, but I’m sure it was Lees-Galloway who had the affair and thus set the agenda that destroyed his career, humiliated his family and brought unnecessary pain and stress to those affected, not Judith?

It was Ardern who fired him to demonstrate her newfound toughness in an attempt to show leadership just like Judith’s. I don’t think it was a “made up scandal”. It was an actual scandal.

Good luck Judith and please stop being responsible for exposing Government Ministers as unethical sleaze bags. It’s not their fault after all. Apparently, according to Damien Grant, it was you who behaved appallingly, not Lees-Galloway. I wish you were more like Ardern, such an untarnished saint.

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