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Ideological Wars, Internment Camps, Imaginary Coups, And Other News

One of the new German internment camps for “quarantine objectors”

CJ Hopkins
The Consent Factory

One of the new German internment camps for “quarantine objectors”

OK … I assume you’re wondering about that photo above. Let me tell you about that photo. It’s a photo of one of the new internment camps for “quarantine objectors” here in Germany, which officially opened for business yesterday. I’ve been writing about these interment camps, and the new Infection Protection Act that grants the German government the authority to ignore the constitution and rule by decree (as long as they claim to be “protecting the public health”) for a while now, but a lot of people don’t seem to be able to take it in, so I am going to say it once more in all capital letters … INTERNMENT CAMPS. IN GERMANY. (No, I am not making this up, or spreading “fake news” or whatever. You can read about these camps in the mainstream media … in German or in English.)

Of course, if you happen to be one of the few New Normal totalitarians who haven’t already furiously unsubscribed from my newsletter, you won’t want to read about these INTERNMENT CAMPS. Instead, you’ll want to furiously unsubscribe from this newsletter and pretend you never heard about any INTERNMENT CAMPS IN GERMANY. You may even want to write me an outraged email, or a smug, passive-aggressive email conveying your sadness and concern that I have become a “conspiracy theorist” who sends people pictures of INTERNMENT CAMPS.

Oh, and, another thing you definitely won’t want to read about, if you are one of the above-mentioned minority of totalitarians who haven’t already furiously unsubscribed, is the War on Domestic Terror that GloboCap is now launching. You’ll want to pretend that you never saw this DHS “NTAS” Bulletin and just furiously unsubscribe.

For everyone else (i.e., all you non-totalitarian folks, who I assume are still reading this), I expect to be covering these two key aspects of the post-Trump “New Normal” as they develop over the coming months (and probably years). As ever, I will try to find the humor in it, but that’s becoming increasingly difficult as things get increasingly totalitarian and … well, frankly, psychotic. I don’t claim to know all the details, but it seems pretty clear that we’re looking at some sort of combination New Normal War on Domestic Terror (slash) Global Pathologized-Totalitarianism scenario … at least in the immediate future.

In terms of actual news, I published two new columns in January … Are You Ready for Total (Ideological) War? (which Facebook promptly censored) and That’s All Folks! They’re both up on the Consent Factory Blog, and in many other outlets. And that’s it, really. I’ll have more news for you next time, but this newsletter is getting long, so I’m going to wrap it up right here.

Many thanks, as ever, to all of you who are supporting my work and the Consent Factory via Patreon and PayPal (or direct bank transfer), and purchasing my books, and spreading the word on social media! Until next time …

All best wishes from sunny Berlin,

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