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Australia Day at the Top End: no hairshirts, just celebration. The BFD. Photo: Michael S Martin. Photoshop by Lushington D. Brady.

Any lingering doubt that the Australian elite class are determined to erase Australia Day from the calender has been stripped bare, this year.

For years, of course, the weeks leading up to Australia Day have been the Annual Festival of Hate for the fringe left. Not any more. This year, the campaign of hate against Australia Day went mainstream in the worst possible way. It’s one thing for a DNA-denying Fauxboriginal like Lidia Thorpe, or a resentful import like Mehreen Faruqi to splutter and gibber their ill-informed malice, quite another for big business, state premiers and even the prime minister to jump on the bandwagon of bile.

With the proclamation that local councils across the country may choose to hold citizenship ceremonies on days other than January 26, the federal government has set in motion its plan to kill Australia Day.

Of course, in the next breath, Albanese claims not to support changing the date — but this is the same politician who said it was “complete nonsense” that Kevin Rudd would be Australia’s next US ambassador, just months before appointing Rudd as Australia’s next US ambassador. Anthony Albanese also promised, no less than 97 times during the election campaign, that he would lower Australians’ electricity bills by $275 a year. The government now projects staggering increases.

In sum, the credibility of the Prime Minister’s word is very much in question. Thus, when he says ‘I support Australia Day’ it is not exactly clear that we should hasten to believe him.

At the same time, Albanese’s close friend and political ally, Dan Andrews, has cancelled Melbourne’s Australia Day parade for the third year running. The annual Festival of Fisting and Public Degeneracy (aka “Pride”) will, as always, go ahead untouched. Men in dresses get priority ahead of men, women and children bearing flags.

The political agenda is so unambiguous now that gutless, woke corporate Australia is falling over itself to jump on the bandwagon.

That the Prime Minister did not rebuke American-owned, Irish-led Network Ten for announcing that Australia Day ‘is not a day of celebration’ for Indigenous Australians further suggests he is not prepared to stand up for his country. Albo is no iron lady.

Of course, Network Ten is not alone. Telstra, Deloitte, PwC, and Woolworths have followed suit. The University of Sydney records Australia Day as a nameless public holiday in its 2023 calendar. This year’s upcoming Australian Open is scheduled to hold a First Nations’ Day (January 18), an Australian Open Pride Day (January 27), and even an Emirates Day (January 17) in honour of its associate partner, but its line-up includes nothing vaguely reminiscent of Australia Day.

What is notable, too, is just how violently certain a rag-tag bunch of paleface DNA deniers and wealthy elites are in their presumption that they speak for every Aboriginal Australian. More to the point, whether a fraction, half or all of just 3% of the population is “offended” by Australia Day is irrelevant. The only point is that it is our national day, and for very good reason.

The events of January 26, 1788 precipitated the modern, federated nation-state of the Commonwealth of Australia that we know and enjoy today […] Australia Day is celebrated on January 26, to commemorate not just Phillip’s physical, formal settlement of Sydney but what I believe was the cultural founding of Australia […] We cannot compromise on Australia Day. If Australia Day dies, Australia as we know her shall die with it.

Spectator Australia

And that is what is really at stake in the battle for Australia Day: the competing visions of liberal, democratic, egalitarian Australia, or a racially-divided, elite, anti-democratic Woke Australia.

The most obvious challenge to the haters is: if not January 26, then when? And why? Anyone who wants to “change the date” has to answer this simplest of questions, yet it seems that few can answer.

A very few point to Federation Day, January 1. But, if January 26 “offends” Aborigines, January 1 is even worse. January 1, 1901, marks the day that, contrary to Phillips’ proclamation on January 26, 1788, Australia adopted a Constitution that explicitly discriminated against Aborigines. That was not remedied until 1967 — and in 2023, the Labor government is proposing to re-introduce racial discrimination into the Constitution.

Australia is going backwards, fast, and nearly all thanks to the same bitter, hateful people who want to “change the date”.

It’s not the date that needs to change — it’s the hate.


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