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If Sean Doesn’t Chicken Out, This Will Be Epic. Game On!

Photoshopped image credit The BFD.

Steve Kirsch

I write about COVID vaccine safety and efficacy, corruption, censorship, mandates, masking, and early treatments. America is being misled by formerly trusted authorities.

I offered in my Substack:

Sean, if you are so sure you are right about those clots like you said, would you like to bet me $1M? This is a quick way to double your money without risk.

He accepted on Twitter. This is going to be game-changing because it will be the FIRST EVER high stakes debate to resolve an issue that the pro- and anti-vaxxers disagree about. We’ve waited 3 years for a face-to-face discussion and now, thanks to Sean, we are finally going to have it! I am so excited.

And because I don’t want Sean to accuse me as a grifter, I will let him know up front that the cells don’t lie and it’s impossible for you to win the bet on the clots.


I wrote a Substack article challenging the founder and editor of The Platform, Sean Plunket, to resolve our differences in a debate after appearing on his show on Dec 12 (New Zealand time). I also offered to bet him $1M on his claim that the strange embalmer clots are primarily (or wholly) formed post-mortem.

Cam Slater then posted this on Twitter:

Steve Kirsch has issued a challenge to @SeanPlunket
It'll be a challenge that Sean will never accept because in a battle of wits he is an unarmed man and Steve Kirsch knows what he on about

— Cam Slater (@kaiviti_cam) December 12, 2022

You’ll never guess what happened next. Cam did it!!!!!!!!

Sean replied to Cam’s post and accepted the challenge and told readers to check Sean’s own Twitter account.

Next, Sean posted his acceptance on his own Twitter account:

Challenge accepted he puts the million in an escrow account I pick my scientist and @theplatform_nz host an hour long debate.

— Sean Plunket (@SeanPlunket) December 12, 2022

Here are the comments from Sean’s followers on his post:

I gotta tell you. SuperPsi (see box in red above) gets my vote as the funniest response (while also being 100% true).

Note: I’ve got two lifetime bans on Twitter, otherwise I’d comment directly.

I also want to acknowledge the assistance from Jonathan Jarry and Debunk the Funk who collectively convinced Sean that I’m not serious about my offers. Jarry and Funk are both misinformation spreaders who refuse to debate me ON CAMERA. Sean clearly relied on them in accepting my offer. I keep telling Sean he has to LOOK AT THE DATA and not trust the “experts.” By the end of this, Sean will see that I am right.

Sean: feel free to put Jonathan Jarry and Debunk the Funk on your team. See, I’ve made it easy for you!

Let’s clarify the best terms for all to see

Here is my proposed term sheet for the contest. It is completely neutral with neither side having an advantage. Sean, if you want to limit it to $1M on just the clots being formed post-mortem, I’m absolutely fine with that. Or we can make it more general purpose and interesting as I’ve proposed below:

  1. Sean and I will each deposit $1M in cash into an escrow held by a third-party law firm that is engaged by both of us. The $2M “pot” is reduced by the expenses incurred.
  2. The contest issues will be determined by a panel of 50 judges. There are 20 issues that will be decided in 20 separate votes. To win on an issue, you must have 30 or more votes on that issue; otherwise the question is a draw.
  3. The pot is allocated to the parties based on the results of each vote. So if Party A wins 3 issues, Party B wins 5 issues, and the other 12 are draws, then the “pot” will be split in the ratio of 9:11 (i.e., 3+6 : 5*6).
  4. The judges will be selected at random by a mutually agreeable market research firm in New Zealand from the New Zealand public at large by asking the question: have you been vaccinated? The firm will randomly select 50 neutral people who have consented to come to a central auditorium to view the 2-hour event on a Livestream and vote after each issue is discussed based on who had the most persuasive argument. Ideally, the firm assesses each person’s confidence in the vaccine and selects people who are relatively neutral in aggregate, e.g., 20 who are vaccinated but don’t feel strongly about it, 20 unvaccinated who aren’t adamant about their decision, and 10 who are still trying to decide whether to get vaccinated or not (i.e., right in the middle). This makes it more likely that people will be neutral judges.
  5. The moderator will announce the judges’ vote on each issue after the time expires on that issue.
  6. Each team will submit 10 debate issues to resolve.
  7. Each team will have 30 days to review the debate questions from the other team. If the opposing team AGREES with the question proposer, it will notify the proposer within 5 days of receiving the question so that a substitute question can be supplied within 3 days. The review period ends when all questions have been available to each team for 30 days.
  8. Before the questions are finalized (30 days review period has ended), each team must finalize their 5 team members for the debate. Up to two alternates can be submitted if and only if a team member is not available. If a team submits no team members, that team will forfeit on all the questions.
  9. Each team will consist of up to 5 members. I will pick my team. Sean will pick his team. It is not required that either Sean or I be on our respective teams.
  10. The moderator will read the questions and enforce the rules. So the questions and team members are submitted to the moderator. If anyone breaks the rules, the moderator may have them removed from the event.
  11. The moderator will be someone who is mutually agreeable to both parties such as Peter Williams.
  12. The debate will be all virtual to make it easier on the team members to attend and schedule. This also minimizes expenses and allows each team to recruit the best possible players on each side.
  13. The debate will be livestreamed to a worldwide audience.
  14. Each side will be allotted a total of 3 minutes on each topic. They can yield the floor at any time for the other side to respond.
  15. When a team has the floor, the opposing team cannot interrupt them. A team can only speak when the moderator hands over the floor to them and should signify to the moderator when they are done speaking.
  16. No ad hominem attacks. All team members are expected to remain respectful and polite.
  17. The minimum talk time for each side is 15 seconds. If they use less than 30 seconds, they will be assessed as if they had spoken for 15 seconds. This is to ensure that the teams don’t just keep yielding each time (playing a game of “hot potato”).
  18. The debate will be in a single 2-hour session. It will be publicly recorded.
  19. The questions will be asked in the order presented by each team.
  20. A coin toss by the moderator will determine which team starts. The moderator will read the question from the winning team and the opposing team will have the floor to answer.
  21. The moderator will schedule a mock practice session to ensure both teams are familiar with the rules and resolve any ambiguities.
  22. The terms in this offer are open to negotiation. All negotiation sessions shall be done in a recorded Zoom call between the parties that is live-streamed and made publicly available. The moderator will moderate these negotiation sessions. Any proposed modification must be party-neutral, i.e., cannot give either side an advantage.

Other options for the debate:

  1. Strictly on the clots being formed primarily or wholly post-mortem
  2. On the question: “Is the COVID vaccine safe and effective as claimed by government authorities in New Zealand?” In short, is the government being honest with the people or are they lying?

I’m open to other options.

What will Sean do?


This is an offer Sean can’t refuse. He can’t argue my terms aren’t fair because if he doesn’t like any of the terms, he can propose an alternative that is fair and balanced. Also, my terms are fair as his followers would agree.

If he backs out now, it looks bad… really bad because he’s already accepted. There is now no way to back out without it being interpreted as a tacit admission that I’m right and he’s wrong.

So there is no way out. I think the “rock” option in the poll above is starting to look pretty good. At the time this is being written, more than half of my readers think Sean will take that option.

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