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If They Aren’t Then Sack Them

Civil servants seem to be ignoring the government directive to get back to the office. Time they had a harsh lesson.

The Government has told public servants that shirking from home is no longer on the agenda and they need to attend the office. But it seems some public servants are thumbing their nose at the directive.

Bus data suggests a paltry few are now attending the office.

Travel to Wellington City increased immediately after Prime Minister Christopher Luxon called on public servants to stop working from home, according to new data from bus operators.

The Government called on public servants to stop working from home last Monday, holding a 40-minute press conference to urge workers back to return to office blocks.

Bus patronage data from Metlink, the public transport agency of Greater Wellington Regional Council, shows more people were catching buses between Tuesday and Friday after the Monday afternoon press edict arrived.

Stuff asked Metlink for bus patronage figures from the week prior to the announcement and the week of the announcement.

(Train patronage figures were collected monthly, so were not readily available for this story.)

Bus usage was steady between the two Mondays, but once Luxon and Public Service Minister Nicola Willis called on people to stop working from home there was a spike. All up, there were an extra 2364 bus trips in Wellington compared to the previous week.


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