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If We Had Followed the Science?

COVID-19 vaccine injection glass bottle with syringe

Dr Hatchard Joined Guy Harvey of Soul Family Chat to Discuss the Latest Research Data on Covid mRNA Vaccines.

Hatchard noted that while there are now over a million scientific papers published on Covid and the Covid vaccine, there are ‘gold standards in science’ which help to distinguish the best studies from the rest. The gold standards were random controlled trials, and prospective studies.

“For example in Thailand now there are a couple of studies published on the effect of vaccines on myocarditis and the figures are very concerning. One study of 300 school-aged children found that 71 per cent had markers of decreased cardiac function following the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. Another one which had just been published showed that 18 per cent have quite serious effects after the Pfizer mRNA vaccines,” said Hatchard.

The data on the safety of Covid mRNA vaccines was an evolving picture. In New Zealand a recent Ministry of Health study showed a ‘huge elevated risk’ of acute kidney disease and injury following the Pfizer vaccine.

“There’s more and more papers coming out showing a range of adverse effects. And these studies only document effects in the first 21 days after administering the vaccine – subsequent effects are assumed not to exist. Here in New Zealand there has been an absolute refusal to investigate the long-term effects. We have an elevated excess all-cause mortality, as all other highly vaccinated countries do.”

“The use of the term vaccines is completely wrong – this was a form of gene therapy – the use of a technology that was known to be highly risky – that was a huge mistake right from the start.”

More people died in the Pfizer trials in the vaccinated group than the unvaccinated group – all this was swept under the carpet. “If we had followed the science this vaccine would never have reached the market,” said Hatchard.

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