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BusinessLawNZNZ Politics

If You Own a Rental Property, You Need to Listen to This Podcast

The BFD.
This week’s podcast, in my opinion, is one of the most important ever. The government’s ‘Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill’ is, in short, shocking for any landlord. If you own a rental property, you need to listen to this podcast and then submit feedback to your local government representatives. If you don’t, please don’t blame anyone else if the bill goes through. I strongly recommend you listen and take action. If the changes do come through and you ever have an undesirable tenant, you’ll regret not doing so.
As most of you know, I’m not usually a pushy person, but this is just that important! Have a listen and take action.

In this podcast, Sarina Gibbon and Mark Honeybone discuss the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill. The below is from APIA.

The Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill proposes to introduce sweeping changes that will, in our view, significantly impact the business of landlording. In fact, according to the REINZ, 82% of New Zealanders oppose the Bill’s signature proposal to abolish the landlord’s ability to terminate a tenancy with a 90-day notice. The public has until 25th of March 2020 to submit against the Bill. In addition to being simply bad law, the Auckland Property Investors’ Association is also incredibly concerned by the staggering level of misinformation that is being repeated about this Bill. It is in this vein that we have partnered up with Property Ventures to bring you this podcast and supplementary information to help you understand the proposed changes and showing you what you can do to push back against them.
