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If You Want Peace, Prepare for War

Green Party Member Golriz Ghahraman supports Palestine. Credit: Twitter/Ricardo Menendez March

Harry Palmer

When an opponent declares, ‘I will not come over to your side,’ I calmly say, ‘Your child belongs to us already… What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time, they will know nothing else but this new community.

Adolph Hitler, as quoted in: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (1959) by William L Shirer.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Attributed to Edmund Burke (1729–1797)

Sic vis pacem para bellum: If you want peace, prepare for war.

Surely the Bible is proof enough that the Jews are the rightful occupants of the ancient lands that Palestinians lay claim to and there is plenty of archeological evidence to verify that, including the Wailing Wall, which is all that remains of the temple built by King David’s son Solomon around 1000 BC. That Jews are apparently accepting of what could be considered to be the blasphemous replacement of that temple by the Muslim’s Al Aqsa Mosque (around the year 700 AD) on the Temple Mount is to my mind remarkable.

But where is the diplomacy, the desire for arbitration facilitated by an otherwise uninvolved, unconflicted mediator to help the several interested sides seek a solution to the apparently eons-long dispute between the Israelis and their neighbours? The United Nations ‘dog’ supposed to fill that role is far too busy being wagged by its tail of greedy self-interested members and minor African dictators.

So little opposition to the claims of the Palestinians – and thus support for the right of the Jews to live in peace – is given space in the mainstream media, which seem to believe that stirring up trouble to create mass hysteria, riots, mayhem and murder is an obligation they owe to their ‘behind the curtain’ benefactors, that one has to suspect some grand plan is coming together.

The Jews were living in well-earned peace in the West after their tribulations in the Second World War at the hands of Hitler’s henchmen, until the deliberate importation of millions of young, single Arab men, followers of their Prophet Mohammed, into the West predictably and inevitably brought ever-increasing violence and criminality into our societies and a huge growth in anti-semitism with it. And, with a little prodding from the media, the recent occurrences in Gaza are threatening to bring the whole grand plan to a catastrophic head, not just in the Middle East but in all the Western countries that have flung open their borders in recent years, mostly to a specific ethnicity.

Politicians like to think the public are stupid enough to believe there is a ‘fire wall’ between themselves and/or their PR flacks and the mainstream media, but members of the public see the 55 million dollars handed to NZ media as a bribe to keep up the ongoing promotion of, e.g. Covid vaccines, and the BBC, given its charter by British politicians, refusing to back down from calling the Palestinians who murdered over a thousand Jews in Israel a couple of weeks ago “freedom fighters”, instead of what most everyone else call them, “terrorists”. (Is not the creating of terror what they were indeed up to?) But politicians speak ‘with forked tongue’ and always ensure that whatever they or their spokesperson might say, and in connivance with their tame media contacts, they have ‘plausible deniability’.

It’s a symptom of our times, I suppose, that, after the lying, behind the scenes scheming and indifference of our politicians, the careful conditioning of a gullible public by the media and the indoctrination of our children in public schools, the horrific copying of biblical warfare, as in the rapes and the ‘ripping of a baby from it mother’s womb and dashing it against a rock’, was carried out by these so-called “freedom fighters” a fortnight or so ago. This has not only been greeted with alacrity by most Muslims and their fellow travellers across the Western world, but also by the likes of the Associated Press modifying its style guide to avoid calling these perpetrators of evil ‘terrorists’.

I believe in the saying, “A fish rots from the head down.” Whether it’s from greed, stupidity, corruption or simple incompetence or a combination of all four, the once-valued moral authority of our nowadays self-appointed politicians (take a real look at the wants of politicians and those who lobby, patronise and bribe them; your vote counts for almost nothing) has been eroded to a stump, and it’s they themselves, the supposedly elected politicians of the “Five Eyes” intelligence-sharing countries (Britain, USA, Canada, Australia and NZ) and the unelected of the European Union who have got the world into its present strife.

Boris Johnson, then Prime Minister of Great Britain, who was subsequently thrown out of office by his own colleagues for his continued lying about his and his staff’s Covid partying during lockdown, visited Volodymyr Zelensky in Ukraine in April 2022 to tell him that ‘we’ don’t want you discussing or negotiating what you and Putin have on the table between you: you should continue the fight and we’ll keep the money and war materials coming.

“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” – George Orwell, 1984

Thus, for the reasons given above, people of the West have little idea of what they are up against in way of the plots and schemes of our politicians. Not only do the politicians have a number of forums like the UN and WEF, where their plans for the ‘great reset’ are covertly hatched and cultivated (along with their secretive internet fora, where little is recorded for viewing via OIAs), but even their so-called civil servants are up to the same tricks, as evidenced by a picture last week of a meeting of the chiefs of the Five Eyes spy operations, who are appointed to their jobs by political masters.

And so it can surely be no surprise then, that given all the ‘diversity, equity and inclusion’ forced upon us all, that a recent poll shows a majority of American voters not only view their opposing political party as a threat to the nation but as justifying violence to combat their agenda. And thus becomes the acceptance of violence as the tool of first resort to resolve any problem.

Where has our humanity gone? We must surely have once been far more caring of each other – from whatever race or creed – than to take to the streets, as in the past couple of weeks, to applaud and encourage the bunch of savages that recently inflicted such horrific injury and slaughter on Israeli citizens?

With government proxies like the NZ mainstream media and the BBC in the UK, among many others, goading such perpetrators of evil on to ever greater excess, the present atmosphere of gloom is only set to increase and with it, as is to be expected, despair and suicides.

Things need fixing in a hurry, but don’t expect it from the hapless and ignorant buffoons who we elected to at least keep the ship of state on an even keel until someone better and with moral authority emerged to replace them. The Covid vaccine was, to NZ and the world, what the iceberg was to the Titanic.

My opening quotations apply.

Sin speaks to the sinner
In the depths of his heart
There is no fear of God
before his eyes
He so flatters himself in his mind
That he knows not his guilt
In his mouth are mischief and deceit
All wisdom is gone

Psalm 36
