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If You’re Looking for ‘Systemic Racism’, Start Anywhere but the West

A map of the most (red) and least (blue) racist countries in the world.

In a now-notorious episode of lefty gab-fest QandA, a panel of privileged left-wing feminists (which is to say, a QandA panel) ranted and raved about everything from killing men to burning the place down. And, of course, that Australia was the most racisty-racist place on Gaia’s flaming earth.

Leaving aside the swivel-eyed incitements to violence, the real problem with this bog-standard leftist claim is: it’s utter bullshit.

I am often bemused at accusations about Australia having some kind of deep-seated race hate problem. I wonder whether those who make such accusations have travelled to others part of the world, large sections of which are ethnically homogenous or entrench racism institutionally.

I have just returned from a trip to my birthplace, Bangladesh, a trip that included a stopover in Singapore. While making my way through the airport in the capital Dhaka, I was approached by security staff who thought I was the porter carrying the luggage for my Caucasian wife […] In other parts of the trip, I was told flatly by a hotel receptionist in a more remote part of the country that my wife and I did not look like a real couple. He requested documentary proof of our marital union before we rented a room.

Remember the attention-seeking meltdown from Islamoclown Yassmin Abdel-Magied, when US customs had the temerity to pull her up for having the wrong visa? Imagine the unholy row if she’d been mistaken for the maid. But then, that would almost certainly only happen in a non-white country. Which, according to the idiotic dogmas of leftism, cannot actually be racist, no matter how racist they actually are.

Such interactions are reminders of how mixed, ethnic marriages remain relatively rare throughout the world. Studies in the United States show half a century ago two-thirds of survey respondents, both white and black, did not support mixed marriages between blacks and whites. The same survey conducted in 2015 found those who looked askance on such unions were less than ten per cent, a marker of how much we’ve progressed in race relations.

Local immigration researcher Bob Birrell estimates cities like Sydney and Melbourne have amongst the highest mixed marriage rates in the world.

Positive or negative views of “mixed marriage” are generally taken by social science as a good proxy for racism. Which puts on interesting spin on lefty-luvvy Waleed Aly’s admission that he wouldn’t have married his wife if she hadn’t converted to Islam.

Places like Singapore as well as large parts of the Middle East show a barely veiled contempt for my heritage […]This kind of treatment would never happen locally.

But…but…Australians are so racist that they have trouble pronouncing former Race commissar Tim Soutphommasane’s surname. Oh, wait – we’re white. Of course we’re racist.

Multicultural nations such as Australia, Canada and Britain […] are the least racist countries in the world but worry the most about potentially being discriminatory […] Unfortunately, they are also the only countries where intellectuals feel it necessary to oppose their own culture and celebrate its decline […]

The British academic Eric Kauffman argues in his book “Whiteshift” that the anti-racism taboo is most potent among the white middle classes in the Anglo Saxon world […]the intelligentsia believes only whites can be considered racist.

There are, indeed, some things that are so stupid that only an “intellectual” could believe them. It’s truer to say, as has Theodore Dalrymple, that the worst racists are the “woke” intelligentsia. For all their screeching about “racism”, it is the left-intelligentsia who are utterly obsessed with race and spout the sort of foaming racial hatred that would make even a Klansman blink.

But it’s hatred of whites, so that’s OK.

Leftist bible Salon is a non-stop barrage of anti-white racism.
