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John Rofe

John Rofe is an experienced Fraud Investigator.

As Albert Einstein said, “There are only two things that are infinite, the universe and human stupidity.  And I am not sure about the universe.” Those of us who can’t distinguish between ignorance, delusion and fraud are likely to be called “stupid”. We know that James Shaw and Jacinda Ardern are not stupid so is their behaviour with regard to climate change ignorant, delusional or fraudulent?

Google the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere  and the first answer one gets  is…

Nitrogen accounts for 78% of the atmosphere, oxygen 21% and argon 0.9%. Gases like carbon dioxide, nitrous oxides, methane, and ozone are trace gases that account for about a tenth of one percent of the atmosphere.

This is of course wrong, but is the error due to ignorance, delusion or fraud?  The source, one of many aligning their view of reality to that of the United Nations, had conveniently dropped the dominant involvement of water vapour from inclusion in the atmosphere, in the same way as the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (“UN IPCC”) had in their 2013 report AR5.

The truth is that water vapour is always present, but its atmospheric concentration varies so dramatically, so quickly, from time to time and place to place.  Water vapour and clouds are the nemesis of the UN IPCC.  As the pragmatic Anne, The Princess Royal, once said, “Climate changes all the time. It has done so throughout the globe’s history, so there’s nothing new under the sun.”

Google the question, “What are the greenhouse gases?”and you get:

Greenhouse gases include water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone and some artificial chemicals such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). The absorbed energy warms the atmosphere and the surface of the Earth.”

This definition was from the Australian Department of Agriculture, Land, Water and the Environment. They confirm that these gases all have utility:

“The absorbed (solar) energy warms the atmosphere and the surface of the Earth. This process maintains the Earth’s temperature at around 33 degrees Celsius warmer than it would otherwise be, allowing life on Earth to exist.”

The three key compounds that differentiate our Earth from all other known planets are water in abundance, oxygen and carbon dioxide (let’s call it CO2).

The UN IPCC says human emissions of CO2 threaten our species and Greta Thunberg says that it has “stolen” her childhood but they are just trouble-makers hyping up the fraud to frighten us all – for their own ends.

The beginning of life on this planet can only be reliably traced back to 540 million years ago to the Cambrian Period when complex carbon-based life forms developed. At that time they benefitted from the 22oC average global atmospheric temperature (7 degrees above today’s “unprecedented” high temperatures) and the level of atmospheric carbon dioxide at 0.7% (17 times today’s level). But since that time there has never been runaway warming, nor has there been any evidence that a change in atmospheric CO2 has ever influenced climate change. That remains true today.

We are all complex carbon-based life forms, so while plants inhale air to get their CO2 to perform photosynthesis and exhale oxygen, and animals either eat plants or other animals, we humans eat both plants and animals (some that also eat plants). All animal life on earth ingests so much carbon that it builds up in the bloodstream. It is removed when we inhale oxygen and we exhale the carbon as CO2. The exhaled air contains 4% CO2 (or about 40,000 parts per million) and about 5% water vapour.  So each adult human adds about 360 kgs of CO2 to earth’s atmosphere every year.

The present atmospheric level of CO2 is 0.041%. It has risen from 0.028% in 1850AD. So let’s review the history and significance of this atmospheric gas concentration in parts per million.

It used to be 7,000parts per million at the “beginning”, but it dropped to 180parts per million 12,000 years ago (at the end of the last full ice age). It grew to 280parts per million by 1850AD, and now thanks partly to us, it has grown to 415 parts per million. Yet James Shaw claims this is “unprecedented”.

Why don’t we reduce CO2 emissions to zero as James Shaw and Jacinda Ardern demand (and as per the new Zero Carbon law)? At or below 150 parts per million (or 0.015% if you like) all plants will die off and thus starve the ruminants, and then the birds and bees, right up to the time we too become extinct. So not clever.

There is an obvious environmental benefit from increasing levels of atmospheric CO2.  At up to five times the level of today, plant life will prosper, become more drought-tolerant and the world is – and will continue to get – greener with more abundant vegetation.  That is both observed and proven.

What about the climate?   Anthropogenic Global Warming theory, which was promulgated before we got satellite data doesn’t stack up well against proven laws of physics like the Beer-Lambert Law, which demonstrates that the radiative effect of CO2 was substantially saturated at the pre-industrial level of 0.028%. Also, water vapour and clouds actually dominate the radiative influence of all greenhouse gases by both potency and volume. Water vapour is about 96% of all greenhouse gases.

Water in the form of vapour or cloud droplets floats above our heads within Earth’s atmosphere, weighing roughly 15-20 trillion tonnes and this is enhanced by about 420 trillion tonnes per year due to evaporation and sublimation and yet reduced by precipitation as water, snow or ice. There are also 28 non-radiative effects that water vapour exerts that make it the sine qua non of all forces ameliorating the various natural and man-made impacts on Earth’s atmosphere to provide dynamic climate equilibrium. I quote Auckland’s Emeritus Professor Geoffrey Duffy FRSNZ as follows:

“The unique and powerful phase-change capability of water together with the radiation superiority of water vapour, make water vapour self-buffering, self-regulating, self-correcting, and self-compensating even when the atmospheric changes are minute.”

The word best describing the true impact of human “carbon Emissions” on Earth’s climate is “piffling”.

In New Zealand, the level of atmospheric water vapour is about 1%. This means it is 25 times as abundant here as CO2 but the volume and potency of methane and nitrous oxide is much less still and the potency of those last two trace gases is negligible. They are irrelevant in any sensible climate discussions.

In February 2020 I made a set of random observations to see how it could be that water vapour had such a massive effect on climate change over short periods when the UN IPCC saw fit to exclude it from their 2013 Report AR5 about the efficacy of greenhouse gases.

I found that a major reason why the climate of Napier has higher maximum daytime temperatures and higher overnight heat losses than New Plymouth is due to a marked difference in the usual humidity levels. To show how large the diurnal range of humidity can be, Twizel’s fell on 21st February from 1.018% in the early afternoon to 0.667% 14 hrs later. The averages for cloud cover aren’t available for comparison, so the annual rainfall for seven towns was instead compared with the average diurnal temperature range for each, over a four-month period.  This confirmed that the maximum, minimum and the average diurnal range of temperature for each town over the short, medium and long term, is substantially determined by water vapour, clouds and rain.

As an experienced fraud investigator and having completed this investigation,I was able to match the physical observations of causation for climate differences between New Zealand cities with the expert and empirical scientific evidence that I now hold. This shows the fraud is here and that it is officially sanctioned.

Having concluded that omission and deception are being employed, I laid a fraud complaint with the “proper authorities”, the NZ Serious Fraud Office, The Secretary for Justice and the NZ Police…for…

” wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain”

Everyone is aware of the frighteners put on us to advance the conspiracy, yet most people are ignorant and many seem deluded. However, after 30 years of fraud most NZ institutions are corrupted in some way. So the next Government must repeal the “Zero Carbon Act”, bring all carbon trading projects to an end, and our National Airline refund all monies taken under false pretences, so travellers could buy carbon credits.

This fraud leaves a lot of complicit people from our PM and Minister down, to be held to account. So check your own status and exposure.  Did you promote any of these three basic lies below?

  1. That changes in the human emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide cause climate change, their increases cause warming and our use of fossil fuels is the “culprit” driving the Modern Warm Period since the end of the “Little Ice Age” in 1850.
  2. That carbon dioxide is the main culprit and it is a pollutant.
  3. Humans can restore climate equilibrium by reducing our so-called “carbon emissions”.

None of those three is true.  So if you have promoted these, you have some personal changes to make.

This deception of the public has been and still is only possible for the following reasons:

  1. All four so-called “greenhouse gases” are invisible and the role of water vapour is ignored. 
  2. Few know the quantity and effect of each of the four gases H2O, CO2, CH4, N2O .
  3. There is a false narrative that the science is settled, because the United Nations says it is. 
  4. Due to the overwhelming contrary evidence, these deceptions could not have been possible without the compliance or silence of the mainstream media. They simply dub the truth as “conspiracy theories”, and stress warming events while ignoring more newsworthy cooling events and records.

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