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As I wrote some time ago, the left never let ignorance get in the way of babbling cretinous opinions – nowhere more obviously than when it comes to free speech. Raybon Kan goes one worse: not only is he plainly ignorant about the very basics of free speech, he openly advocates lying when it suits his opinions. The most that can be said about that is that at least he practises what he preaches for once.

I’m not against free speech.

Except that plainly, he is.

To see why, you only need consult left-wing doyen Noam Chomsky: “If you’re really in favor of free speech, then you’re in favor of freedom of speech for precisely the views you despise. Otherwise, you’re not in favor of free speech”. Kan plainly despises Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern. The fact that he also wants to deny them free speech shows, as Chomsky says, that Kan is against free speech.

In fact, Kan is so much against free speech that he is mystified that so many people who are plainly more knowledgeable than he are actually for it.

Politically disparate individuals – well-known, educated people…Don Brash. Chris Trotter. Stephen Franks. Jordan Williams. Lindsay Perigo. Paul Moon. Ashley Church. David Cumin. Melissa Derby. Rachel Poulain.

There’s a good reason such an impressive roster of people from across the political spectrum hold the opposite view to…a comedian.

Perhaps sensing that he’s on a hiding to nothing about the moral fact of free speech, Kan resorts to literally advocating lying in order to silence the speech of people he doesn’t like.

They probably, maybe, do have the right to free speech.

But don’t tell them that. And certainly don’t pay a lawyer to tell them that.

So, the truth and the rule of law mean nothing to a leftist with a censorship-boner. As if we didn’t all know that, already.

But to prove what a thoroughgoing cesspit of power-mad amorality he really is, Kan immediately puts his advice about lying into practice, by blackening Southern and Molyneux as “racists” and “white supremacists”.

Now, whatever you may think about them (for instance, that Molyneux is a sophist who is nowhere near as clever as he so obviously thinks he is), both Molyneux and Southern have repeatedly and vehemently denied being racist or white supremacists. Southern, in fact, has frequently been attacked by actual racists, for consorting with Jews and blacks. But, we live in a time when what someone says they believe doesn’t matter a jot – not when the left have arrogantly decided that it’s their right to tell everyone else what their beliefs are.

If the truth is helpful to racists, lie to them.

Make stuff up.

He actually thinks that’s a moral argument. Let that sink it.

Instead of a censorious leftist nitwit, better to listen to one of the true moral exemplars of modern times, civil rights activist and mentor to Martin Luther King, Bayard Rustin (originator of the phrase “speaking truth to power”): in an interview, Rustin emphatically stated that the truth doesn’t change because of who says it. If even a Klansman made a true statement, Rustin said, the fact that he was a racist wouldn’t change its truth.

Rustin also said, “If we desire a society without discrimination, then we must not discriminate against anyone in the process of building this society”. Raybon Kan wants to discriminate against people he happens not to like. Raybon Kan is, in other words, a bigot.

In choosing to allow free speech for only those views he likes, Raybon Kan is, as Chomsky says, more like Goebbels and Stalin than Bayard Rustin.
