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Photo by Andrea Piacquadio. The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

Scanning the web I read this outrage on the NZ Herald site.

Quote: “A respected businessman allegedly pilfered … and spent the money on he and his wife’s …“

and further, “the man is also accused of overpaying he and his wife by …”

God help us all. This disgraceful illiteracy is attributed to someone called Lane Nicholls, described as “Assistant Chief of Staff.” That job description could also apply to the office tea-lady which without doubt, Lane, assuming his name is not a pseudonym, which if so would be understandable, is a task he would be immensely better suited for. It’s not bloody hard. To get the grammar right, cut out the other person. To explain; would Lane write, “The man is also accused of overpaying he by ..”, or, in the other example, “… and spent the money on he …”. I’d wager Lane has never read a book or this literary barbarism wouldn’t occur.

Being courageous I then switched to the Stuff site. One heading confronting me was, “The PM and politicians go on tour.” That’s not bloody news. What would be is a heading, “The PM and politicians save taxpayer money and cut out international gallivanting at the public expense”.

Now quivering and traumatised, I then foolishly ventured into another Stuff item, this written by a James Halpin, again doubtless a fictitious name, but if not James should also be doing tea-lady duties.

This detailed a claim by respected historian Paul Moon that the Alexander Turnbull library had been sold a pup, a common-place occurrence in the fraud rich artworld.

James’s contribution to this was to refer to “colonial Aotearoa around 1830”. James, you buffoon, no such place existed in 1830 and for that matter it doesn’t now.

I’ll say this. When I launch my take-over coup currently being planned, in the interest of advancing civilisation, one of the first steps I’ll take will be public hangings. Lambton Quay will be out as the space will be taken up by scaffolds with commercial architects swinging in the breeze, so James and Lane will end their shamefully ignorant lives swinging in Queen Street. No doubt about it, as with the architects, once again this will mark a significant step forward in the march of civilisation.

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