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I’m on a crusade so saddle up!

gear up war GIF by TRT

The past six months my focus has been simply on keeping Whaleoil going despite Cam’s absence after his stroke. I am proud to say that with the support of our incredible Whaleoil team we have not only kept Whaleoil online, we have increased the number of regular readers as well.

WH last analysed the numbers for us in January. The key thing you need to understand about interpreting the numbers is that the lower the number the more traffic the site has. Google has a world ranking of 1.

Here is a comparison of the data from WH’s post on the 14th of January 2019 with the data on the 7th of April 2019. Colour has been added to show who is up and who is down. WR = World rank, NZ = NZ rank.

In January, Whaleoil?was 15 places behind?Newshub. That gap has closed to 13 this month. We have achieved all this on the smell of an oily rag compared to the marketing dollars behind Newshub (MediaWorks) with their staffing levels, corporate backing and CEO with an eye-watering salary.

Whaleoil is in a league of its own, leaving all the other political blogs in the dust and nipping at the heels of both Newshub and RadioNZ…which brings me to my crusade.

I am ambitious and when Cam is well enough to return I want him to return to a site that not only has survived his absence but that has become stronger. We have big plans for Whaleoil because we see opportunity in a world where mainstream media are dying and journalists and talkback hosts are losing their jobs.

Due to our increased audience, our advertising revenue has increased, but our subscriptions have remained static. My crusade is to start once again to actively grow our subscriptions.

If you are a regular reader then please consider getting rid of all those ads that clutter up your screen. A basic bronze sub will clear the clutter and will also give you access to the Daily crossword, Code cracker and Sudoku.

Your final remaining reason to pay for a physical newspaper is gone. Divert that money to a Bronze subscription and you will have money left over to spend on yourself. It is ONLY $10 a month to support your favourite blog which is an incredible bargain.

If you are already a Bronze subscriber please consider upgrading to a Silver subscription so that you will gain access to the Incite library as well as three Incite articles a week.

Please help us in our crusade to remain online as New Zealand’s number one most read conservative, classical liberal and right-wing website. Your subscription will help us to win the battle to stay online as your voice, standing up for freedom of speech and continuing to shine sunlight where it needs to be shone.

I will leave you with a comment from R&BAvenger, who sums up why he thinks that Whaleoil ranks so highly.

I believe one reason WOBH ranks where it does is that while tending more to a conservative/libertarian outlook, a breadth of topics are covered and a breadth of views are entertained.

There is an underlying drive to get to the truth via it?s articles and getting to the truth can entail an number of articles delving into the same topic.
The standard of articles written is excellent, as is the research and thinking that underpins them.

Often the writers point to the source material or logic that leads them to write the viewpoint they are expressing. Opinions are supported with facts, not stated as facts.

Alternative opinions or viewpoints are given an opportunity to be published.

Overall, there is balance in what is published.

The moderation of the comments section is another key factor. It is a team effort. High standards are expected of commentators so that discourse doesn?t plunge the depths of outright verbal abuse that plagues the commenting sections of other blogs.

There?s a process involving suspension from commenting and a way back if one can learn from their errors (Twice in my own case).

There?s also a breadth of alternative items such as the Sudoko, Crossword, Video items, along with General Debate and Backchat, which adds to the mix of items that one may be drawn to at WOBH.

Lastly, the subscription model allows people a range of options to select, depending on their budget.?
Given the (deluge) of MSM propaganda posing as fact, people are looking for an alternative.
They are free to decide whether it?s worth supporting this site financially.
Given that many, like myself, cancelled newspaper subscriptions long ago, we do have the spare cash to subscribe and given the quality of content/product, do.


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