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Image of Packed Wellington Stadium Stuns World

news site
The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker

Sir Bob Jones

The above, an absurd Stuff website heading yesterday out of Australia.

If it had a scintilla of truth we must assume Bolivians, Bulgarians, Taiwanese; I could go on listing the world’s 200 plus countries, were all comatose with shock. In fact 99.9% of the globe’s population would have been oblivious to the event.

The alleged “packed stadium” was, (to my surprise) nothing of the sort, there being a number of large empty patches.

The article by the un-named author claimed the test was “overlooked” in America, hardly surprising as it’s not a rugby nation. But the last half of it was devoted to America’s reaction to it, which is scarcely over-looking it.

Slop, slop, slop – the story of declining print media journalism.

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