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Imitation is the Highest Form of Flattery

On the 28th of August, the BFD published my article National Follows in Trump’s Deregulation Footsteps where I made a connection between the National Party’s new policy to a new policy of the Republicans under President Donald Trump.

The wets in the National party will hate me describing their policy as following in Trump’s deregulation footsteps, but that is exactly what they are doing with their announcement that “National will light a regulations bonfire.”
President Donald Trump promised he’d get rid of bad rules.
“Remove the anchor dragging us down!” he said when campaigning for president. “We’re going to cancel every needless job-killing regulation!”
Trump was a developer, so he knew that the thicket of rules government imposes often makes it impossible to get things done.

[…] When he took office, he hired regulation skeptics. He told government agencies: Get rid of two regulations for every new one you add.

[…] National has declared that when they are back in government they will repeal 100 regulations in their first six months and will eliminate two old regulations for every new one that they introduce.

Donald Trump’s government has cut approx 5 regulations for every new regulation.


Two days later, on the 30th of August, the following cartoon was published by Murdoch in which she also makes a link between National’s new policy and Trump.

Either great minds think alike, or Murdoch reads the BFD for inspiration.


Face of the Day

Face of the Day

A jury at the Auckland High Court has found Dr Philip Polkinghorne not guilty of killing his wife, Pauline Hanna, in their Remuera home in April 2021. 

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