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Immigration NZ Hide Their Fake Fact Sheet

Immigration NZ fake fact sheet

On Sunday we told you about Immigration NZ’s fake map and fake fact sheet and we linked to the fact sheet. The link no longer works as Immigration NZ have taken the fact sheet down. Fortunately, we grabbed a copy of their fake facts before it was taken down so that you can read it at your leisure.


The NZ Immigration department’s fake fact sheet refers to the State of Palestine (which does not exist) and ignores Israel’s existence. It also uses BDS style propaganda instead of factual information.

The fake fact sheet and the story have been sent to National MPs Simon O’Connor, Todd McClay,  Michael Woodhouse, Alfred Ngaro and leader Simon Bridges by a reader. Feedback suggests that Simon O’Connor ran with the story and early yesterday afternoon, it appears that the Immigration Department took down the fake fact sheet.

This is an example of officials from the left side of politics who think that they can get away with this sort of thing. They quietly take it down with no apology or admission of guilt or wrongdoing, and no one gets punished for the fraud that they committed on the public.

They think that they can take it down and sweep the entire thing under the carpet with zero consequences.

If no one complains about it they probably are right. Fake facts are only bad if the right do it.


World Class Tosh

World Class Tosh

If Harvey and Taylor genuinely believe that a waterfront museum filled with mythological nonsense will spawn a massive change of direction, then the asylum beckons and probably straitjackets for them both.

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