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Sir Bob Jones

Feel for India’s Royal Challengers Bangalore cricket team who must be burning up after forking out nearly $3 million to secure Kyle Jamieson for the IPL series.

This followed the Kiwi bowler’s success against first the West Indies and then Pakistan’s half-hearted efforts in the tests late last year.

The Indian Premiere League (IPL), contested over less than three months, is a 20/20 series, something mocked by true cricket fans but nevertheless an immensely popular money-spinner for the game.

Since making this deal Jamieson has had a disastrous 20/20 series against an Australian B side and in the opening match against Bangladesh on Saturday, alone among the New Zealand bowlers, was virtually toyed with by the visitors.

Of the eight IPL teams the Royal Challengers have finished last, 6th, last, and 4th over the past four years. Presumably, eager to climb off the bottom saw them buying Kyle as a key move. Currently, it’s not looking too smart as an investment decision.

If I was Kyle I’d go into hiding for the best way the Indian’s can save their $3 million is to have him murdered.

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