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In Just One Year 3,000 More Children on Benefits

child, tower, building blocks
Photo by FeeLoona. The BFD.

Lindsay Mitchell

Lindsay Mitchell has been researching and commenting on welfare since 2001. Many of her articles have been published in mainstream media and she has appeared on radio, tv and before select committees discussing issues relating to welfare. Lindsay is also an artist who works under commission and exhibits at Wellington, New Zealand, galleries.

The March benefit data was released Thursday. I am tracking children on benefits. The trend is bad.

In the last year, the number of children reliant on a benefit (their caregivers) has risen by over 3,000.

Since March 2018 the increase is just a smidgen under 40,000.

I believe this increase is the result of all the extra cash assistance that has gone into families with children who depend on a benefit. Beneficiaries, despite a very favourable employment environment, are staying on benefits longer evidenced by the ageing of their dependent children and MSD’s own ‘expected future years on a benefit’ calculations. More children are being born onto a benefit. Sole parent reliance is on the way up once again.

This is just another facet of Jacinda Ardern’s legacy.

I predicted her plan to reduce child poverty by increasing benefit payments would only draw more children into welfare dependency which is intergenerational with poor outcomes.

Children’s potential is being stolen.

Don’t expect to hear about this unfortunate trend from Carmel Sepuloni or the media though.

Children on benefits in March years:

2018 168,276

2019 172,587

2020 182,787

2021 205,872

2022 205,182

2023 208,242


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