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Inconvenient Facts the Media Won’t Print

We’ve all been bombarded with weeks and weeks of “sustained propaganda” about how safe the vaccine is, or how by taking the vaccine it will allow us all to have better possibilities.

But what if I told you that the majority of patients in an Israeli hospital, with the CCP Virus, were actually vaccinated?

You’d probably tell me I’m lying. On Facebook, I’d be censored, and this Government would claim it was disinformation. Except I’m right:

Israel has been held up as the “gold standard” of how to conduct the coronavirus vaccine rollout. It has seen approximately 70% of its population receive the jab. The Israelis have relied in the main on the Pfizer vaccine. However, recently the country’s Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett, stated that the Pfizer vaccine is ‘significantly less’ effective against the so-called Delta variant. This follows on from a statement last June by Ran Balicer, who leads an expert advisory panel for the Israeli government, in announcing that the country might end up in lockdown again. Balicer and other officials said that 90 per cent of the new cases were caused by the Delta variant.  

Now an Israeli doctor has revealed a bombshell during a television interview. In the interview on August 5 with Israel’s Chanel 13, Dr Kobi Haviv, medical director of Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem, stated that the majority of coronavirus patients in an Israeli hospital are fully vaccinated, including those with severe disease.  

Dr Haviv further specified that: “95% of the severe patients are vaccinated,” adding “85-90% of the hospitalizations are in fully vaccinated people” and the hospital is “opening more and more COVID wards.” This has led him to conclude that “the effectiveness of the vaccine is fading out.”

Of the 72 hospitalized COVID-19 patients, 25 patients were in “critical condition”, 38 were in “moderate” condition, and 9 were in “mild” condition. There were two deaths reported at the time of the interview.

The Spectator

Inconvenient facts that you won’t see reported by the Government shills of ‘the team of $55 million’. But wait, it gets worse.

Data from the Israeli Minister of Health released on July 22 declared that the effectiveness of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine at preventing COVID-19 has plummeted from 90 percent to only 39 percent, coinciding with the spread of the Delta variant in the country.

Jacinda Ardern has bet the farm on Pfizer and on mass vaccination. We all know the border is hopelessly managed. It is now a matter of when, not if, the border is breached again. When that happens it will likely be the Delta variant, and then all those people heroically posting on Facebook their blind obedience of their Government puppet masters are going to get just as sick as those of us who defy the promulgations from the pulpit of truth.

And the facts are mounting that this is indeed the case:

A Covid-19 outbreak in a Massachusetts county in July primarily occurred among vaccinated people, sparking fears that a variant of the virus can impact that population more than other strains.

Of the 469 cases detected in Barnstable County, 74 per cent occurred among the fully vaccinated, according to a new study published by the CDC on 30 July. It also emerged last month that 49 fully vaccinated people in New Jersey died of coronavirus.

Across the Atlantic, early analysis from Public Health England suggests vaccinated people infected with the Delta variant may be as infectious as their unvaccinated counterparts. The PHE technical briefing indicates that that “whilst vaccination may reduce an individual’s overall risk of becoming infected, once they are infected there is limited difference in viral load between those who are vaccinated and unvaccinated.  

The Spectator

Whoopsy. The whole point of a vaccine used to be to prevent you catching a deadly disease. It appears that this ‘clot shot’ not only doesn’t do that but, it actually makes almost no difference to the outcomes once you have caught the CCP Virus.

It turns out that you are actually better off having no vaccine and acquiring your own immunity. You know, a bit like the messaging over RSV which is currently killing more in New Zealand than the CCP Virus.

This then raises some ethical questions for the Prime Minister and Ashley Bloomfield.

Are they aware of this data?

If they are aware of it, have they asked Pfizer to corroborate it?

As noted by Doctors for Covid Ethics on its website, it is currently not known whether any of the major government agencies around the globe (FDA, MHRA or EMA) has independently verified, or attempted to verify, Pfizer’s data, before proceeding with provisional/emergency authorisation of Pfizer’s mRNA therapy vaccine.

For any government, either by itself or via corporate proxy, to attempt to mandate vaccines in circumstances where there has not been adequate testing and analysis of risks as well as benefits would constitute not only a violation of the principle of informed consent (which Prime Minister Scott Morrison has stated he believes in – see this press conference as an example) — but a violation of Australia’s obligations under international law with respect to medical experimentation.

Indeed, after National Cabinet on August 6, Scott Morrison indicated that mandatory vaccination could breach privacy laws, discrimination laws, and Australia’s policy remained that vaccines should be voluntary and free. In particular, he declared: “In our country, everyone has choices and they have choices that are supported by the rule of law and simply making the point that those choices have to be exercised, are consistent with the rule of law.”

The Spectator

Which is exactly the same position our Prime Minister finds herself in. The Government is discussing mandates for vaccines, which would be clear breaches of at least two sections of our Bill of Rights Act, and even more so given that the so-called vaccine is still on trial until 2023.

Which then begs the question as to why the Government is still forbidding the use of antibody testing for the CCP Virus?

And pushing hard on vaccinations, utilising tried and tested propaganda methods to force compliance at the same time as demonising those of us who listen and read more than what our bought and paid for media is spoon-feeding us.

It’s as if we’ve forgotten our lessons from history.

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