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Information Packs to Empower Parents Against Gender Indoctrination

Mark Latham and Kirralie Smith launch the Binary information packs for parents at NSW parliament house.

Mark Latham was the last genuinely “Labor” Labor leader. Naturally, the party elite hated him. Yet, despite his rough-hewn persona, “Biff” achieved some significant wins during his time as Opposition leader: not only did he personally rein in the worst excesses of politicians’ Sun King-like retirement benefits, he was a champion of early education and improving the lot of working families and their children.

As a One Nation MLC in NSW, Latham is continuing to stand up for ordinary families, who’ve been subjected to a relentless campaign of “transgender” indoctrination by radical, Marxist “Queer Theory” ideologues. As well as moving to halt the creep of dangerous “self-identification” laws, Latham has joined with lobby group Binary, to empower parents to push back against the radical leftist indoctrination that is threatening the physical and mental well-being of a generation of children.

At least 500 P&C groups across NSW will be sent an information pack with advice for parents on identifying if their child is being “indoctrinated” by “radical gender activists” at school.

The political lobby group Binary will distribute the packs, launched on Wednesday in NSW Parliament by One Nation MLC Mark Latham, around the state from next week.

Even more impressive is the fact that some in the NSW government are supporting this push-back against radical activists and their enablers in an unelected education bureaucracy.

The packs also have the backing of Finance Minister Damien Tudehope, who had planned to join Mr Latham to launch the kits but was called away on parliamentary business.

Several MPs were also at the launch, including Corrective Services MP Anthony Roberts, Mulgoa MP Tanya Davies and upper house MLC Matthew Mason-Cox…

“Barely a day goes by when we don’t hear from another parent concerned about what their child is being exposed to at school … transgender speakers, de-gendering language, pronoun police, explicit sex-education programs and inappropriate library books,” [Binary director Kirralie] Smith said…

“This problem is increasingly common in NSW schools, urged on by left-wing political activists,” Mr Latham said.

“Schools made a big mistake when they stopped being places of learning and ventured into the world of mental health assessment and radical gender theory.”

Grass-roots groups like You’re Teaching Our Children What? have tried to empower parents against the sleazy grooming of far-left activists. Binary are adding to parents’ arsenal in the fight-back against the dangerous obsessions of the elites.

Mrs Smith said the information pack “equips parents with knowledge of their parental rights and how to keep their child safe against radical transgender indoctrination”.

She said despite the banning of the Safe Schools program in NSW, parents and children still had to “deal with the issue of transgender in schools”.

NSW Education Minister Sarah Mitchell said: “P&Cs are and should be a dynamic and active part of local school communities. They are best placed to raise concerns with principals who, I believe, are generally closely connected with their student and parent cohorts.”

The information pack urges P&C groups to insist that the schools keep them “in the loop” about measures being taken to accommodate students “practicing gender fluidity”.

“Schools are reluctant to reveal policy, if any, around these issues,” the kit says.

As BFD readers in New Zealand would know, a similar veil of secrecy is drawn around its own “Mates’n’Dates” gender indoctrination program. Binary’s information pack provides parents with practical tools to try and cut through the lies and misdirections of bureaucrats and activists.

It says parents should ask their school which toilets “trans students use”, where “trans students sleep on school camps” and whether “biological males can participate as females” in sporting teams…”Radical gender activists are doing everything they can to de-gender our society. Unfortunately these activists can be intimidating, forcing many to remain silent as unreasonable and unsafe practices are implemented.”

The kit encourages parents to keep copies of any material sent home or published online.

“Remember, the school may have been very careful with the wording. Often indoctrination programs are referred to in politically correct ‘code’ words like ‘anti-bullying’,” the kits says.

The Big Lie is that queer theorists pretend that their indoctrination programs are really “anti-bullying” programs – when, on their own admission, they’re really about “teach[ing] your kids to be gay and communist”. This is a culture war for the soul of an entire generation. Parents need every weapon they can get their hands on.
