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The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Luke

Chris Sellars


In my general capacity as a prophet of doom, if I warn of an approaching danger and you prepare for it and it does not eventuate, there is no harm done.

But what if my conspiracy theories turn out, like so many before, to be conspiracy facts? Then, like those outside of the Ark in the days of Noah, you won’t have a deck to stand on – and how long can you tread water?

I originally thought that the great theatrical production of ‘Pandemic’ was a drama but I now realise that it is a comedy.

If this farce were really about looking after your health they would be treating people with Hydroxychloroquine, a drug that has been tried and tested for over 65 years and/or Ivermectin combined with zinc and Vitamin D. No one it seems wants to ‘believe the science’.

The vaccines themselves remain classified as ‘experimental biological agents’ and only have US FDA approval for ‘Emergency use’.  I have yet to see conclusive, ‘proof of claim’ that this current influenza outbreak constitutes an emergency at all.

The Pfiezer product that New Zealand has subscribed to is an MRNA  vaccine using technology previously untried on humans. With many past medications like thalidomide and vaccine ingredients like Thimerisol  it took years to find out what harm they had caused.

There is a long list of harmful substances once thought to be safe but which were later found to have harmed millions. DDT and paraquat, SV40, asbestos, Agent Orange,  diethylstilbesterol, lead,  Vioxx, Rezulin, glyphosate, silicone breast implants, fluoride, mercury, Levaquin and tobacco, to name just a few of the more common ones.

In the ‘swine flu’ scare of 1976 the US rolled out a vaccine to prevent another pandemic which wasn’t. Millions obediently took the shot and now thousands are claiming damages due to adverse reactions.

Governments all over the world have paid billions of their peoples’ dollars to big pharma for a cure that at the time of payment was said not to exist. If true, this would put researchers under extreme pressure to come up with something to justify money already received and spent. If cures for diseases were simply a matter of funding, both cancer and the common cold would have had cures years ago. Maybe they have?

The Pharmaceutical and big tech companies involved have been granted immunity not from disease but from any litigation that might result from harm caused by their product marketed as vaccines.

A production process that in the past has always taken over a decade was under the ’Warp Speed’ edict supposedly rushed through the clinical testing phase in less than a year.

Since the initial roll-out in the USA, the many recorded ‘Adverse Reactions’ are now being rebranded with the more media-friendly term of  ‘immune responses’

At the time of writing, ten European countries have stopped rolling out the Astra Zenica Vaccine due to a proliferation of blood clotting problems amongst recipients.

It all looks like a recipe for disaster to me.

Benjamin Rush a signatory to the American declaration of independence said  ‘Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution a time will come when medicine will organise into an undercover dictatorship that will restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others.’ That time it appears has come.

Who was it that decided it was a good idea to vaccinate 100% of the population for a virus with a 99.7% recovery rate with compounds thought to be less than 95% effective against an illness which is mostly so mild that you must be tested to actually know if you have it?

Maybe the politicians were studying political science or reading Machiavelli when the rest of us were doing fifth form maths? If you have been so thoroughly brainwashed that you must be tested to know if you are sick or not then you are definitely sick but not necessarily with the flu. No, your sickness is way more serious than that. Any who retain a capacity for critical thinking will see through the media hype and the censorship of anything other than the politically correct mainstream narrative and see the absurdity of it all.

It begs the question. Was the vaccine brought in for Covid or was Covid brought in for the vaccine? Is it that, as many believe, the virus was created to push the vaccines onto and into the people? Is it a clandestine attempt at global population control for greater sustainability? Is it the prophetic mark of the beast that will alter the DNA which is Gods signature on humans?  Time will tell I suppose but maybe that will be too late for some.

Yes, it is a comedy alright, a great cosmic comedy, and the joke’s on us.

© Worzel 2021

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