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Inside the Cult of Climate Supremacy

This month has seen a little flurry of pop-psychology op-eds appearing in the news by a coterie of Climate Supremacists masquerading as academics.

These blinkered, dare I say, hooded darlings of the hard-left have no interest in informing; they’re only interested in denigrating those that don’t genuflect to the altar of man-made global-warming. They are utilising what, by now, is a leaky raft of dog-whistled intentional slurs which serve only to illuminate their own prejudices while correspondingly illustrating the very dullness of their imaginations. It’s all slogans and in-house jokes – the manna of Supremacists since ever: “Oh darlink, deniers are the uneducated classes, they are not us.”

David Hall’s piece, repeated through several media outlets and already responded to here, is a doozy of Supremacist group-think and jargon with pseudo-babble and high-falutin’ name-drops thrown in for good measure to deflect from the intellectual vacuity of his argument.

Describing skeptics directly as “people who are less educated” the poor possum had trouble concentrating, it seems, while putting together his puerile piffle; his embedded link “For example, a recent analysis of anonymised YouTube searches found that videos supporting the scientific consensus on climate change were outnumbered by those that didn’t” leads to an article which entirely contradicts Hall’s statement:

“For the search terms Climate, Climate Change, Climate Science, and Global Warming, the absolute majority of videos in the sample adhere to the scientific consensus view.”

Tut, tut; David, please try harder with your cut ‘n pastes, or at least try reading the article you’re citing, otherwise you come across as stupid, or ignorant, or dishonest, or all of the above.

Hall quotes the Freuds, Anna and Sigmund both, as ‘great chroniclers of denial’. David doesn’t mention, for reasons completely unknown, that the pair were also great chroniclers of anxiety about the future, the very same anxiety David and ilk, et al, disgorge in their very public droppings all too frequently. The Freuds described how such anxiety leads to neurosis, the fear (in males) of loss of control, and loss of libido, and affronts the sufferer’s inner narcissist. In other words: their feelings of superiority are wounded, compromised, and we simply cannot have our betters confronting their own powerlessness, can we?

David cites personal and deeply held ‘world-views’, otherwise known as experience, working on the ‘deniers’ psyche in opposition to his own ‘real-world’ which in fact consists entirely of computer-generated doomsday-models, those which have produced ridiculous and hyperbolic scenarios over, and over, and over again, and which have been formidably disproved by actual observations.

But if you believe Mr Hall’s lack of self-awareness is remarkable, just wait for the next instalment on the personalities inside the cult of Climate Supremacism, but I warn you: check your first-aid cabinet for bandages and be prepared to strap your ribs tight, lest you nearly die laughing.

Meantime I leave you with a very rare pic of Climate Supremacists looking down on you as they enjoy their amazing, must-be-experienced, exclusive and highly-educated world-view.


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