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Instead of Putting the Fire out the Government Took Us “Safely” outside to Watch It Burn

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker

I’m especially worried after reading Grant Robertson‘s pre-budget speech; what a lot of nonsense, interspersed only with sloganeering and hyperbole. Good grief, what else to make of such rubbish as this forewarning of next week’s announcements:

“It is a Budget delivered in the shadow of one-in-100-years shock to our society and economy.”

Really? Grant, are you sure? Once in 100 years? What about the conflict known as World War 2, the Great Depression, the 1980’s sharemarket collapse or, as far as this country is concerned, the dual blow of Britain joining the EEC – our largest export market turning her back on us – concurrently with the oil price crisis of the early 1970s?

Grant is pulling our collective leg. It’s the equivalent of Ardern’s ‘tens of thousands dead’ melodramatics: a deliberately, knowingly, false premise.

The fool then delivers this doozy:

“As someone said to me the other day, if your house were to burn down, you probably wouldn’t build it back exactly the same, would you?”

Thing is, Grant, the house was burned down needlessly, completely needlessly.  The toaster was smoking, and failing to unplug it, you and your crony-in-chief sent us all outside to watch the resultant inferno, in perfect safety, shirtless, skirtless, trouserless, homeless, but safe. That’s not a win, fool. That’s not leadership.
And there’s this frightening little hint of what’s to come:

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker. (She could have just unplugged the smoking toaster…)
“There are few times in life when the clock is reset. Now is the time we should address these long-term issues. It is a privilege many countries won’t have. It’s not one we should squander.”

Buckle up everyone, this is going to be epic. An epic disaster, just like their handling of this foreign invader, this imported disease:

“In short, in the wake of this dreadful and devastating crisis we have a shot at making things better. And we will take it.”

Make no mistake New Zealand, we have never been in worse hands, with worse to come – that’s the only once-in-a-hundred-years tragedy we’re about to witness. Their utter incompetence has never been seen before and should never be visited again.

We must get these people gone.

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