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Interesting Leak about NZTA, What is More Interesting is WHO is Leaking it

There have been some interesting leaks about the government’s doomed Auckland light rail project that explain the mismanagement of Phil Twyford.

Another  flagship Labour policy, Auckland’s light rail, is in crisis as deep  divisions are revealed over a potential cost blowout of billions of  dollars amid delays.

Firms involved in the project say the problems have cost them millions  of dollars and are wrecking New Zealand’s business reputation.

Much of the finger pointing is being directed at six power point slides  submitted by the New Zealand Superannuation fund and which sources say  effectively stopped the project in its tracks, and undid nearly a year  of work.


Phil Twyford has only himself to blame and he really should have seen these leaks coming after sacking the entire NZTA board.

Basically a former board member is leaking documents about NZTA after being pissed off by the clean out of NZTA board members, including the sacking of the leaker.

It’s kinda funny how these things happen. It also happened when Counties Manukau DHB was cleaned out. Documents all of a sudden started falling out of the sky.

Of course, there is a common former board member from each organisation, one Mark Darrow, who is also the genius running the Botany selection debacle.

Darrow previous dumped his documents via Jami-lee Ross but has also always rated Chris Bishop, so I suspect he will now be leaking to Bishop who will gleefully assist in hurting Phil Twyford.

The documents do show utter confusion and mismanagement between the board of NZTA and the minister but more revealing is the rationale behind the leaks.

If you want to signal to business that you are to be trusted then becoming a rather transparent sneaky little leaker isn’t very wise. You see when there are leaks you never look for what is in the leaks or the story about them, you look for what isn’t in them, and Mark Darrow’s name isn’t mentioned at all.

Occam’s Razor comes into play, The simplest solution is most likely the right one. Two government organisations have suffered embarrassing leaks, and Mark Darrow was in the prime position to launder the details where only a few people would have been in a position to access the documents. In other words, he can kiss goodbye to any board positions ever again as the finger of suscpicion is pointing at him.

Phil Twyford meanwhile is working hard on expanding his CV of failures. It will be a race between him and Stuart Nash as to who gets sacked next.
