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Is 6000 Excess Deaths Acceptable Collateral Damage? Part 1

rectangular white case on gray surface
Photo by Possessed Photography. The BFD.




In May 2022 my father believed he had had a heart attack.

Usually stoic when it comes to his health, he still thought it serious enough to go to hospital.

He’s 80 and clutching his chest; he approached the cardiology department. They sent him to ED. He was told of a three-hour wait so drove home.

His GP later diagnosed a stroke; a specialist believed it heart related. Five months on he is just now wearing a heart monitor to ascertain the ongoing issues.

The demand for heart monitors is so large an 80-year-old was forced to wait 20 weeks.

So anecdotally my Dad discovers the massive health crisis when a cardiology nurse tells him to be patient because they’re “flat out”.

Excess mortality is the number of deaths from all causes above what would be typically expected.

In the first 26 weeks of 2022, OECD statistics reveal over 3000 additional deaths have occurred in New Zealand.

The numbers have almost tripled in that time and a conservative look at the trajectory, especially when taking in the missing winter months, suggests as many as six thousand could die by year’s end.

You’ll have to excuse the conjecture, but this Government, as you know, is a little scarce on detail.

But this conservative figure dwarfs the 1256 deaths the MOH attributes to Covid as an “underlying cause”.

Which in itself is a far too ambiguous number, given many are just as likely to have died of any one of a number of co-morbidities.

Yes, the pandemic response has killed more than the disease and inexplicably we still get lumbered with a daily media report on case numbers.

Imagine on the podium of truth, announcing the daily numbers of those dying of undiagnosed cancers or untreated illnesses, missed surgeries or complications brought on by the vaccine .

They are the real numbers – the trajectory, and overseas reporting, shows it won’t be stopping anytime soon.

And that is not taking into account the yet to be measured, close calls like my father, or the life-threatening illnesses yet to be diagnosed.

But this phenomenon should not have surprised our bewildered leaders.

In 2020-21, the World Health Organisation admitted to 15 million people dying from excess deaths associated with the Covid-19 pandemic. Most other countries are reporting and already investigating the startling trend.

Jacinda Ardern and her cohorts knew their actions during the pandemic would kill innocent Kiwis but her inaction now is killing more than necessary.

In this press release Chris Hipkins and Dr Ayesha Verrall reveal an unhealthy intolerance to non-Covid deaths when they pat themselves on the back for killing fewer people than they first thought.

Yes, our kind stooges are reluctant to even acknowledge the problem, let alone warn us to be mindful of possible symptoms to reduce the toll.

The mainstream media are again letting New Zealanders down. People will die because of their inactivity.

Should those who had heart issues after Covid or the vaccine be checked, echocardiograms offered, and more Holter heart monitors made available to the likes of my dad?

Rory Nairn would be alive today if they put out urgent warnings highlighting dangerous symptoms after vaccination. The lesson should be learnt.

The increase in Australia, with only 21 weeks recorded, sits at 16 per cent compared to our 20 per cent hike in the OECD findings. For the most part, the United Kingdom’s rates are on the decline.

Yes Jacinda, when you created the little hermit kingdom you harped on about our response being the best in the OECD.

Now let us know when we drop down the rankings, and why.

And, what’s worse, these OECD figures averaged over five years do not factor in the anomaly of 2020 when we were all incarcerated: fewer accidents, fewer illnesses.

Rings a bell – Think how crime statistics were blatantly skewed by this Labour Government.

Crime was deemed to have dropped when the 2020 lockdown year was included in the calculations, but once that year was omitted and more recent statistics were compared with 2019, some crime stats were seen to have skyrocketed.

And these OECD figures do not take into account the all-cause deaths hidden among actual Covid deaths.

These reprobates still don’t have the common decency to even inform us the numbers who “died of” and “died with” the virus.

When those numbers are disseminated and all-cause stats gain at the cost of real Covid deaths, this will inflate and reveal the much bigger problems we face.

Everything is not dandy!

We need to know why New Zealanders are dying and what can prevent those deaths NOW.

If my father does not open his door when next I call, I don’t want to have to peer in his windows again to make sure he’s not lying dead on the floor, as so many of us are doing.
