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AOC Cortez

Is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez really as stupid as she apparently wants us to believe?

I mean, “Occasional-Cortex” has an actual degree. In Economics, no less. So, surely she can’t be a complete cretin?

So why does she keep saying such stupid, stupid things – especially about political-economy?

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) lost another battle to definitions on Monday after claiming her private shop does not use capitalism and then describing the system used using various facets of capitalism.

Remember AOC has a degree in economics. One would have hoped that such basics as defining capitalism would have been covered in the first week of her freshman year.

Apparently not.

Former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer prompted Ocasio-Cortez to flex her economic knowledge by accusing her of using capitalism to push socialism.

“Using capitalism to push socialism Branding the U.S. left: @AOC makes a push into political merchandise,” Spicer wrote on Twitter, attaching a Reuters article discussing Ocasio-Cortez’s private business success.

Ocasio-Cortez responded by claiming she’s not using capitalism, but instead the “economic system” used by her privately owned business is based on voluntary transactions determined by private decisions.

Whatever advantages Spicer lacks in not having an Economics degree he more than makes up for by, you know, actually looking stuff up.

actually the definition of capitalism is based in private (not gov) ownership

But it got even worse. AOC claimed that her store doesn’t make any profit and funds “projects like free tutoring, food programs, & local organizing”.

As one Twitter wag responded:

“AOC has discovered a secret formula where you take money and make something and sell it without making a profit then take the money and fund other projects with it. She’s a genius.”


To be fair, some of the dumb things AOC has said in the past are obviously poor attempts at hyperbole. But many others speak to a mind that is, at best, “unworldly”, shall we say.

“Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs”, for instance.

“The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change”: she tried to pass that one off as “humour”. Except that the video shows that she was deadly serious.

Still, it should be no surprise that AOC can’t accurately define capitalism. She is, after all, a self-proclaimed socialist and a millennial – and, as we know, millennials who love socialism mostly can’t even define it.

In fact, presented with an accurate definition of capitalism – “an economic system whereby business, trade and industry is mostly run and owned privately for profit. Prices and wages are determined mainly by competition in a free market”half of millennials thought it described socialism.

But, you would expect an Economics grad to not make such fundamental boo-boos as claiming that her “Green New Deal” would be funded by $2 trillion of taxes on the rich for the next decade… while the program would cost $40 trillion in that time. When Jake Tapper asked her where the other $38 trillion was coming from AOC was like a deer in the headlights.

Some people truly are so stupid that they could only belong to the “intelligentsia”.

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