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Is Ardern Really Cruella De Vil?

Image credit The BFD.

Left: The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker Right: Cruella. Cartoon credit geodon. The BFD.

Cruella De Vil appears in Dodie Smith’s 1956 novel “101 Dalmatians”. The name was actually a pun on the words Cruel and Devil. If the name fits wear it. The book was made into a Disney film featuring Glenn Close. Cruella’s country house was called ‘Hell Hole’ which is a close approximation of what NZ is turning into.

There is also a literary tie-up with Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” who used the name Count de Ville as a nom de plume. For Count Dracula take your pick.  Is it Robertson, Hipkins, Little or Bloomfield?  Count Dracula used sharp fangs. With us, it’s sharp needles. The Vampires are amongst us.

Vaccination Rate. Cartoon credit BoomSlang. The BFD

Just a few weeks ago on ‘Black Friday’ October 16, Cruella announced there would not be any Halloween ‘treats’ for the ‘unvaccinated.’  While she was speaking at the so-called ‘Rostrum of Truth’ she was rocked by a ‘higher authority’ in the form of an earthquake near Taumarunui.

Liz Gunn of Free New Zealand was in the gun from the Ferald, for referring to this event as Mother Nature revolting. Only the disparaging tweets from Twitter were reported not the positive ones.

On that note, earthquakes seem to be following Ardern around as this is the second time it’s happened when she has been speaking. Is she competing with Maureen Pugh the M.P. who has experienced being hit by lightning twice? Watch this space!

Even if our Media are part of the Propaganda Team the overseas media are not quite so restricted. Paul Joseph Watson said “she creeps me out” after Ardern’s smirk when she admitted there was medical apartheid and that the unvaccinated would miss out on the summer fun things like bars, restaurants, gyms, festivals and concerts. Ardern said, “That is what it is, Yip, Yip”. The ‘be kind’ mantra had been replaced by ‘be Cruella’. The smile had gone completely.

Video credit: Coronavirus Plushie

Paul Joseph Watson commented also on the despotic tactics used here previously when police visited citizens and asked them if they supported Trump. Also the gun-grab with possible 5-year imprisonment for non-compliance. What is glaringly obvious to him is Ardern’s ideological connections through her past Presidency of the International Union of Socialist Youth. Yes, your past can come back to haunt you. The rot set in years ago.

Ryan at the A.M. show was sceptical about whether there would be any summer for anyone vaxxed or not. He wanted Hipkns to come clean on this. The Gisborne Rhythm and Vines festival could be a casualty. If the UK is anything to go by festivals and large sports events are ‘super spreaders’ and another lockdown is looming over there.

If Ardern was taking away ‘Halloween Treats’ from the unvaccinated, the vaccinated have been ‘tricked’ according to PHE (Public Health England) in their latest figures of two weeks ago. The fully vaxxed 40~79-year-olds according to some interpretations of these figures will have Zero Covid defence by Christmas. For the 30-year-olds it will hit a couple of months later. Houston we have a problem.

The unvaxxed though still have natural immunity whereas the vaxxed are losing it quicker than expected. There could be trouble ahead as the song goes.

Because an ITunes chart topper rapper like Bryson Gray wears a shirt saying Christian Conservative Gang, he is now banned from Instagram and YouTube. He managed to beat Adele into first place with a new ‘Let’s go Brandon’ with no expletives, but which apparently did not follow the ‘Science’. Cancel Culture has not given up yet.

The BFD. Cartoon credit SonovaMin

Some think ‘the earth moving’ is a too fanciful reaction to Cruella’s speeches but what about the ‘Sky tumbling down’? We will let Carole King have the last word.

I feel the earth move under my feet,
I feel the Sky tumbling down,
Oh Tumbling down,
I feel the earth move under my feet

I just lose control down to my very soul,
I get Uh hot and cold,
All over, all over, all over, all over.
