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Is Creepy Joe Dragging Us to the Brink of Nuclear War?

The first atomic mushroom cloud rises over Hiroshima, 6 August, 1945. The BFD.

One of the things the Swamp Monsters really hated about Donald Trump was his deplorable habit of not just refusing to start new wars but ending his predecessors’. After all, the Swamp had gotten used to the glory days of Bush and Obama (the latter holds the odious distinction of being the only president to spend his entire term at war).

If the worst suspicions of the Biden regime come to pass, the Swamp Hawks may get a whole lot more than they bargained for.

Nuclear war with Russia or China has become a “very real possibility” and the United States must adapt urgently to meet the threat, one of its most senior military commanders has warned.

But, hang on, isn’t China Joe deep in the pockets of the Chinese? Well, yes, that’s the point. Rather than sabre-rattling, the Biden administration is taking the same gutless path as European statesmen in the 1930s: spineless and back-door glad-handing with brutal dictators, while white-anting their own forces.

We all know how well that ended.

Over the past two decades Moscow and Beijing have challenged international norms and global peace “in ways not seen since the height of the Cold War – and in some cases, in ways not seen during the Cold War”, according to Admiral Charles Richard, the head of US Strategic Command, which is responsible for nuclear strike capabilities and missile defence.

In a bleak analysis, published just as President Biden embarks on what is expected to be an era of belt-tightening at the Pentagon, Richard wrote that the US had concentrated largely on counter-terrorism over the past two decades and “grown accustomed to ignoring the nuclear dimension” when assessing threats to security.

“There is a real possibility that a regional crisis with Russia or China could escalate quickly to a conflict involving nuclear weapons, if they perceived a conventional loss would threaten the regime or state. Consequently, the US military must shift its principal assumption from ‘nuclear employment is not possible’ to ‘nuclear employment is a very real possibility’, and act to meet and deter that reality,” he wrote.

This might put into chilling perspective the American left’s determination to let America’s nuclear arsenal rust into irrelevancy. Horrific as nuclear weapons are, it’s also a fact that Mutually Assured Destruction went a long way to stopping the Cold War from ever getting hot. But, just as Barack Obama catastrophically downgraded America’s blue-water fleet, allowing the Chinese to run rampant in the Pacific, his former VP is willingly giving in to the China-sympathising hard left.

Bernie Sanders, who leads the Senate budget committee, has pushed for a 10 per cent military spending reduction. “The disconnect between our defence spending and the threats Americans actually face has never been wider,” Elizabeth Warren, a standard bearer for the left who sits on the Senate armed services committee, said this week. “It’s long past time to rethink and refocus how we spend our money to protect this country.”

Sure, and Obama laughed at the suggestion that America needed badly to upgrade its navy. Look how well that panned out.

Russia has been able to overhaul its nuclear capabilities with a modernisation program now “about 70 per cent complete”, Richard wrote in the US Naval Institute journal Proceedings[…]

China “is also on a trajectory to be a strategic peer” of the US and is investing significantly in hypersonic and advanced conventional missile systems, in a nuclear-capable long-range bomber and in a nuclear weapons stockpile that is “expected to double (if not triple or quadruple) over the next decade”.

Russia and China had demonstrated their confidence by menacing neighbours, harassing US forces in neutral territory and expanding conflict into new arenas, such as cyberattacks and threats in space.
Just to make the 1930s analogy complete, the new regime is purging the military of “rightist subversives”.
The Pentagon is undergoing a purge of advisers known or suspected of being Trump loyalists, ordered by Lloyd Austin, the new defence secretary.

The Australian

As the Nazi Germany of the 21st century swaggers with increasing confidence across the Indo-Pacific, the free world’s defence rests with a bought-and-paid-for, hair-sniffing, senile creep and his gaggle of leftist cronies.

What could possibly go wrong?

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