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Is Duncan Garner a Moron or a Lethargic Baboon?

Take your pick, Duncan Garner wears both descriptions particularly well and a few less flattering ones too.  Once upon a time, I enjoyed the AM show, but that was before their anti-Trump rhetoric infected the minds of people I once considered more discerning of the facts. Garner and his crew can take credit for poisoning the Trump information well.

American media at Trump’s COVID-19 briefing were shocked when Trump outed them with a montage of video clips showing their attempts to hang the president from any available tree. First, they accused Trump of over-reacting about the virus and then they accused him of not doing enough.

In January information on the virus was thin on the ground. Chinese doctors and scientists had either died or disappeared (or both) with the CCP in control of the narrative – a most desirable position for any communist country with an urge to damage democracies where it hurts them most.

Trump’s excellent instincts kicked in very quickly but his warnings about a possible pandemic fell on deaf media ears and they accused him of scare mongering. When he was proved 100% correct, media accused him of not going hard or early enough. Anti-Trump media think he cannot win, but Trump thinks otherwise.

Crowder crowed over Trump’s pleasure in giving the media a decent dose of truth medicine. He pointed the culprits out and then played them their own media clips. Crowder refers to these idiots as the morons in the room.

Halfway through the presentation CNN and MSNBC cut their live feeds so their audiences would be spared the images of seeing them sliced, diced and hung out to dry. Nicely done Trump!

Garner has joined that gang of gremlins but he exceeded their hatefulness in describing the American president as a lethargic baboon on Friday’s AM Show.  Whatever got into Duncan Garner’s head and ate his brains is contagious. Parroting anti-Trump media slander should come with a health warning: “Will cause permanent brain injury unless taken with the antidote which is a decent dose of facts.”

If your brain is in a healthy uncontaminated state this video of media fake news is laugh out loud funny.

The Chinese ambassador saw an opportunity to wave the CCP flag and asked to appear on the AM show. Garner kindly obliged, perhaps excited at showing the Chinese PR machine live in action! Woo hoo or perhaps Wu Hu?

COVID-19 originated in Wuhan, in Hunan province, China, but the Chinese ambassador wants us to believe the virus could have popped up anywhere in the world. She would like you to think it’s just China’s bad luck.

“Yes, the outbreak happened in Wuhan but it could happen anywhere in the world because it’s [a] virus.”

Olivia Pierson, writing for Insight Politics asked, “Did China Unleash a Bio-weapon?”

“It is highly believable that upon seeing his own country’s economy tanking from the effects of this new virus, President Xi and his officials clamped down forcibly on the whistleblowers so that the virus could spread around the world in an act of malevolence along the lines of “we’re going down and you’re coming with us.”

What else explains the litany of lies the world was subjected to from China and WHO as the virus went global?

The Chinese ambassador glosses over China’s obvious and inexcusable delay in alerting the rest of the world to a possible pandemic, making the following statements.

“…it is fair to say that China is caught off guard [by the virus] we need time to know what it is, whether it transmits among humans, how it transmits and how to diagnose and how to treat the patients.”

“We took very swift actions, we locked down Wuhan on the 23rd January and a strong, very strong prevention and control measures were taken.

…Any allegations on China’s delayed actions is not fair.

The following statement was made in relation to Chinese New Year at the end of January when millions of Chinese moved around China and into the rest of the world taking the virus with them. Why didn’t the CCP stop this lethal movement knowing full well they would spread the virus?

…Why china should be singled out [for holding mass gatherings]? why not the rest of the world?

Do not forget that on 1 February 2020 Donald Trump introduced travel restrictions against China, at a time when the US had just a handful of coronavirus cases and no deaths, for which he was soundly criticized. Who wouldn’t swap Trump’s decisive and nimble handling of the pandemic to our own delayed, heavy-handed, kill the economy approach?

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