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Is the Writing on the Wall?

Trump is today’s George Washington, who was shot at as he crossed the Delaware fighting against British Tyranny. Doesn’t history like to repeat itself?

Photo by Rux Centea / Unsplash

Rembrandt’s painting Belshazzar’s Feast hangs in the National Gallery London, and is one of their most popular reproduced images, often occurring on music album covers.

Belshazzar’s Feast depicts the ‘writing on the wall’ for the King of Babylon and his nobles who were at that moment feasting and enjoying drinking from the golden cups, the sacred vessels, purloined from the Temple at Jerusalem.

The ‘writing on the wall’, written by a disembodied hand and interpreted by Daniel, said the days of the Babylonian kingdom were numbered and had been found wanting and would be given to another. In this case it was the Medes and Persians.

Our modern day interpretation of the ‘writing on the wall’ must surely be the owners of the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post newspapers pulling the plug on Kamala and not endorsing her for the election.

These left-leaning newspapers had no trouble in giving Trump the ‘fascist dictator’ label, so what’s changed? Perhaps they think Trump is going to win the election and Harris and Walz are yesterday’s fools.

Instead of Trump being ‘orange man bad’, he pulled off an ‘orange coup’ himself by climbing onto the dumpster truck in Wisconsin wearing an orange vest and later quipping that he was advised to wear it as it would make him look slimmer.

This ‘orange coup’ was in response to Biden’s gaffe that Trump’s supporters were “garbage”. This condemned half of America. Trump compared it to Hillary Clinton’s “deplorables” that possibly lost her the 2016 election. Bunker Biden should never have been let out by his handlers as Kamala had to walk his “garbage” comment back. But the damage had already been done.

Trump’s reference to “garbage” was when he stated that the US was a ‘garbage can’ for illegals. The border patrol members have endorsed Trump. You can see why! According to Jake Paul, 662,000 illegals have a criminal history, including 13,000 murderers who have killed more than once. The insane asylums of some of the over 180 countries that the ‘illegals’ come from have been cleared out and added to the mix.

Kamala has penny-pinched on the recent hurricane victims giving them only $750. Her excuse was that the money has already been spent on illegals: mainly housing them in American small towns where some nearly outnumber the locals, undercutting wages earned by incumbents, leaving them worse off and bringing in crime.

Kamala’s stock answer to the economy, which she knows very little about, is that her mother was middle-class and worked hard. But the middle-class is taking a battering under her with soaring inflation and gas prices, which Trump has promised to fix. Under Trump the US never had it so good, as compared to the present incumbents.

The Democrats have been in power for 12 of last the 16 years and the country is approaching mayhem. The only relief from Democrat incompetence was when Trump won in 2016.

This is why former scions of the Democrat Party like Robert F Kennedy and Tulsi Gabbard have decided to blow Trump’s trumpet themselves. They have been joined by two of America’s wealthiest, ‘X’ founder Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy who will be part of Trump’s administration.

As he said in his long-running TV Show, The Apprentice, Trump is dying to say to Kamala (that is if he is not assassinated first) ‘YOU’RE FIRED’ on Bonfire Night, 5 November, also known as Guy Fawkes night, celebrated in Britain and parts of the old Empire like New Zealand.

Trump is today’s George Washington, who was shot at as he crossed the Delaware fighting against British Tyranny. Doesn’t history like to repeat itself?


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